Thanks Amazing, for your response. It helps quite a bit. I had the wrong impression that you were continuing to claim to be of the anointed, as the WS uses the phrase, while rejecting the WS. You corrected me and I appreciate it.
I am not convinced that the Bible is the inspired word of God ... though I remain a Christian in philosophy and culture and practice. It is because I am slightly more than totally stupid that I was able to wake up and leave the JW religion ... and abandon any organized religion.
I would say much the same. To me, Christ was an individual who a giant spiritual awakening of some kind, like the Buddha, Gandhi, Mohammed, Sri Ramana Maharshi and many, many others. I believe that Christ was relatively unlucky in the transmission of his teachings, because he died so quickly and because his teachings were quickly hijacked by the likes of Paul. You might enjoy "The Gospel According to Jesus" as translated by Stephen Mitchell, which uses the Jesus Seminar material in an attempt to distill Jesus' actual teachings out of the cruft added by others.
My use of the word 'looniness' was intended as a contrast to your obvious reasonableness. I apologize for giving offense.
"Belief is the death of intelligence." R.A. Wilson