Feelings after baptism

by Kool Jo 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    So for those who got baptized....a question for you:

    Did you feel any different? In the talk prior to taking the plunge, we were told that baptism would would show that we're in subjection to Jehovah, so that we could do His will...personally, I felt that somehow I'd have a greater urge to do more spiritually, but I didn't..the feeling wore off in a couple days, and I still had the desire to do college ect...my attitude about life didn't change...

    How did ya'll feel after your baptism in the borg?

    Kool Jo

  • prologos

    In the 50, there was no Organisation question in the baptism talks and reply shouting, but often assertions were made that "satan" would redouble his attacks, temptations.

    I did not notice that, it was rather anti-climatic, a lull instead.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I did. I was accepted by the jws as finally being one of them. I also felt like I had to be on my best behavior at home as my parents were are not jws and here I was, a rep of the creator of the universe, so had to be perfect.

  • Apognophos

    As a born-in of good standing, I was already accepted as a part of the congregation, so I didn't experience what Julia did. I think my answer agrees with Kool Jo and prologos; perhaps it felt special for a day or two, but I didn't get the extra helping of holy spirit that I was counting on to help me to avoid living a double life.

  • Watkins

    I expected... something. Doves flying in mid-heaven, lightening strike... something.

    Now I know why there was only a void... the wt is devoid of any holy spirit whatsoever.

    After baptism I felt like I was virtually on my own and the jws didn't have to 'care' anymore now that I was one of 'em. I felt the weight of responsibility that being baptized brings - heavy and oppressive - do more - do more - do more - you're not doing enough - do more! Don't do that, don't do this, don't think that way, hate this, fear that - give MORE - things they trivialized became freakin' LAW.

    No, God's spirit is not in or on or anywhere around the wt. Sometimes, only by being baptized into it, can you see how devoid of spirit it is... before then it's all smoke and mirrors and whitewash - it's looks are very deceiving to those who haven't had the experience. And good on them for having avoided that experience!


  • losingit

    I remember a sister asking me after i got baptized if i felt Jehovah's spirit more in my life, if I felt different. I said, " No. I feel exactly the same." The look on her face! I guess she wanted me to go off about feeling blessed. Nope! In fact,shortlyafter getting bbaptized I fell into a deep depression where I lamented leaving my goals behind for Jehovah. Instant misery.Smiles for perhaps one day.

  • clarity

    I just felt like crying........


    Not from happiness but from the empty feeling inside me.


    It was a big 'let down' ... even as I climbed out of the pool.


    Hard to explain but while in the car (driven by a volunteer brother),

    going back to the convention grounds, it was earily quiet. No talking,

    no joy, nothing. We were in a shock really.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    It was a huge let down. What was all the hype about getting baptized?

    Oh yeah, I had just signed my life away.

  • Ucantnome

    yes i felt i was going to have to do more but without the urge.

  • KWJoe

    As a naive, 14 year old, gay kid, I just knew when I came up out of that water I would be completely changed. I would become "normal". That would prove wrong about 20 minutes later in the locker room. It took quite a few years for me to accept that I am normal....just the way I am.


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