Politics is a must read for many of us former JWs!
What Do You Read?
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
James Brown
At the moment I am reading Chemistry 101 and Religions of the world.
Also James Michners "The Source".
By age 4 I knew my book of bible stories by heart and I think I had enough of hearing those stories over and over although I apparently loved David & Goliath's story so after that I was blessed that my mother encouraged me to read all the youngsters classics: Louise M. Alcott, Jules Verne, Hemigway, Mark Twain etc.
Then I went through an obsessing period with Wilbur Smith's novels, I picked one at the library....(oh the days when you still went to a library to rent a book :D) and then devoured all the rest of his books...still enjoy them nowdays but it's more of a rarity for me to pick one.
As an adult I prefer more biographies & non-fiction. Currently reading: the power of habit and eagerly expecting the release of David & Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by my fave author Malcolm Gladwell.
Sooo years have passed but I haven't changed much, always love me a bit of underdog fighting ;)
fresh prince of ohio
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, currently.
LoisLane looking for Superman
I have gotten a few laughs just from reading this thread. Thank you very much. ( u read t leaves... and lips...) lol
James Brown... I used to devour anything by James Michener. Loved "The Source" and of course his "Tales of The South Pacific"
was my favorite of all of his books. Stories of his from the book were Hollywoodized into the film "South Pacific"
It was interesting to me in the process of reading all that he wrote, to discover, even great author's, can publish bombs.
This past year, I read for fun and laughs. Nothing serious. I am trying to get over serious living... so ,
I have been delving into Fun Fluff Stuff . lol
I am reading a few pages a day of Motor Mouth by Janet Evanovitch. Hey, I read C of C in 12 hours with the result I was OUT at the end. lol
Reading fun stuff by Janet Evanovitch, keeps a smile going in my heart and on my face. Nothing wrong with that.
If I read it normal speed, I laugh, it's over, then what?
Just Lois agreeing that Laughter Is Great Medicine
janet evanovitch is so hilarious my daughter share all of her books and introducing her to 20 yr old grandaughter. She does help us release stress.
Just finished "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Good book. Kind of heavy in places but great writing about her trek and her life. Hope the movie is as good.
Last night I got into a suspense/thriller by John Rector "Out of the Black."
Looking forward to the new Andrea Camilleri "Inspector Montalbano" book which I pre-ordered. I have read the whole series.
2 newspapers per day
Popular Mechanics
Golf Digest
Consumer Reports
Have not picked up the Bible in some time, but occasionally like to read some passages.
I like to read fact books, with subjects like History (ideeas, ecomical, or religious). Books written by scholars within these subjects and maybe essays from Archeological excavation, give me ammunution when CO:s and elders are coming to talk me into better thoughts. Usually it only takes 3-5 minutes for their visit. Then they raise their asses and run away in a hurry, they say they have sooo many other brothers to visit. (which I know they havent)
i'm still reading a book about Thomas Becket i've been reading it every nite since Christmas i've been to canterbury cathedral.
i'm only on page 148
sometimes i just read a line and enjoy thinking about it.
I'm reading The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins and Quiet by Susan Cain.
Recently really enjoyed novels by Ian McEwan, particularly Solar and Sweet tooth.