A View From Outside

by Joe Grundy 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • gma-tired2

    Like Mouthy I am 65 and I never dressed dowdy always wore dresses as short as I could get away with and I was/always a blond blue eyes. BTW usually shorter than i could get away with. Taught my daughter to dress to impress.

  • mouthy

    gma-tired2....Oh I would have not worked with you Had to wear it below the knee
    I would have told you so at the K.Hall... like this>"Sister dont you think your skirts are a little tempting
    to the male householder.You dont want to offend Jehovah do you"

    Alright I know I was a pain in the arse.....You dont have to confirm it

  • Apognophos
    IME, the adage is true - it's a waste of time to discuss religion with the religious.

    Then I suppose we're on the same page. The JWs are zealous (well, relatively speaking) about their ministry, so I suppose we need to be to zealous about our message to the general population too.

    Incidentally, Joe, I do want to speak up in defense of the fairer sex: there are plenty of attractive Witness women, and as indicated above, not all of them dress dowdily. You might be surprised, 90% of the younger sisters in my congregation range from pretty to hot. I could send you pictures if you don't believe me


    There are many hot JW women who must settle for gross emasculated feminine witness men. These men are incapable of showing a lady a good time. I bet most JW women feel guilty for enjoying certain activities. You don't want to make Jehovah sad. Just think of all the late nights and mornings wasted reading the litteratrash and preparing for service instead of spending " quality time " with your significant other. Those are hours that you will never get back.

  • Hortensia

    I agree. I have no respect for religion, and I don't mind saying so. When you look honestly at the crazy doctrines, the damage done to the members and the pure deceit, how could you respect it? I know people can choose to believe if they want to, but they can't expect me to pussyfoot around them and hold my tongue when the bullshit gets too deep.

  • ShirleyW

    Did Mouthy actually call Grundy a cock ?

  • mrhhome

    Respectfully Joe, you are clueless.

    (1) The JW are not a religion. They are a cult. Big difference.

    (2) If you decide to pick a fight over covering their head, you do not get the point. Emotional blackmail. Family shunning. Those are the things that cause real damage.

    (3) I tend to cut the atheist on this board a great deal of slack, because they have been through alot of pain with the JW. I cannot say that I blame them for being angry and bitter. The JW did a great deal of bad things to them in God's name. My wife held that against God for a long time. They need to vent. I hope and yes pray that they find peace.

    (4) However when a non-JW who does not have to deal with JW in a meaningful personal fashion begins bashing all religions as equally whacky, I will take issue. Atheism is as much as religion as anything else. Secular liberalism has a great many tenents that are accepted blindly on unquestioning faith by its followers.

    (5) In my experience, most atheist are pretty arrogant, when in fact they are simply too intellectually lazy to comtemplate their finiteness in an infinite universe. Likewise, they lack any sense of continuity of generations and the importance of tradition.

    Yes, the astute observer may note my distinct Wesleyian perspective.

  • mrhhome

    deleted double post

  • GromitSK

    it depends where mouthy is from.where I live 'cock' is simply a term of endearment used more commonly by a more senior generation. Cock as in chickens/rooster :). When I was a child, and sometimes still, I heard it a lot (I'm from Manchester UK).

  • GromitSK

    @Mrrhome - I don't get how atheism is a religion. Please explain.

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