If there God is supposed to be the All-Powerful, backing their Organisation fully, men being led by God's Spirit etc, then what of the lack of activity within China which has in excess of a billion inhabitants? Is their God not partial to the Chinese? What of India also? Another billion people, but JW's spread very sparsely upon the ground?
What too are JW's known for around the world? OK we know they like to spout their own trumpet, 'hey, look at us!! Look at all the educational work we do around the world' etc, but the fact remains that they do next to nothing to help out other people.
You could understand it if they were delivering outstanding food distribution programmes in the 3rd world, if they were involving themselves on the local level with community affairs, if they were extremely well known for their disaster relief efforts, but the facts remain that the JW organisation is not known anywhere for contributing outstanding efforts towards equality and a better standard of living for all.
Do your own research and see what conclusions you draw too.