Comments at the WT this morning

by OneFingerSalute 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    Old truths , new truths , present truths , current truths ,past truths ,former truths ,progressive truths ,discarded truths .etc.etc.

    Politicians don`t BS as much as this religion does.

    And the rank & file just gobble it up without seeing a problem .

    I liken it to a husband or wife who just refuses to admit their spouse is screwing around , they just close their mind to it , in effect deceiving themselves.


  • stuckinarut2

    So "old light" can be compared to outdated medical practices...such as bloodletting, or treating ailments with cow matter how popular or widespread such practices were, THEY WERE WRONG!

    So too with these "old teachings"..... JUST ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG GB!

    What you taught WAS WRONG! Plain and simple WRONG,

  • Zoos
    Yep, a long time servant of Jah admitted it was BS right in the middle of the meeting.

    But fear of apostasy and losing everything prevented her from admitting it before her human masters said it first. Don't tell me these people don't serve men.

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2
    1. MORONS plain and simple!
  • user100
    I wanted to raise the hand and when I get the microphone just lol and give it back.
  • freemindfade

    With this AntiType mumbo-jumbo mostly out of the way, with watchtower saying that we focus on the moral of the account, or practical lesson... wtf makes WTBTS any different than all the other religions that do the same thing?

    They built this monster on having special knowledge through the GB, now the GB is laughing in their faces. "Well they were just too complicated to understand for you ignorant bumpkins so forget it". Everyone at the hall raving in their comments about how grand the GB, well the GB changed the game on them 180 degrees and they don't seem to have a clue. Slowly turning up the cult heat so no one jumps out of the pan. All that will be left of this religion is a cult system, its always been there, but everything else is gone except, you better listen and obey or pay the price.

    There never was substance to this religion, but a pretty intricate illusion of substance, now thats gone. So witnesses have to ask themselves what are they involved in, its just another religion now with the magic facade gone, except in this one, you can't leave...

  • FayeDunaway
    Oh god fremind, that is so true. Yay! The witnesses are soooooooo great to reverse this teaching!!!! They are now interpreting scriptures the way other churches have for HUNDREDS of years. The difference is...oh, witnesses think they are sooooooo special, the only true ones, and they have lots of rules instead of conscience matters, and if you don't follow exactly their interpretation, you don't qualify for God's salvation, and you can't leave. Wow, is this appealing or WHAT.
  • oppostate

    WT's explanations of The Truth(R) seems to have been composed by Rumsfeld "There are known-knowns and unknown-knowns, and known-unknowns blah blah blah". Clear as dungy mud.

    Bunch of self aggrandizing narcissistic BS all this WT Truth.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    "A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. ‘New Light’ never extinguishes older ‘light’ but adds to it.”—Zion’s Watch Tower, February 1881, p. 3
  • FayeDunaway
    DS I can't believe they were using the term 'new light' even in 1881!

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