After 9-11 events, the media, mostly CNN, made sensationalistic claims about American nuclear power plants, some of which were blantant lies or braindead journalists.
I posted the following in response:\
Now FOX News is doing much the same thing: I normally like Fox News, unlike CNN, because it seems more balanced. Nevertheless, they must have hired the same brain-dead journalists to do yet ANOTHER NUCLEAR SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF THE PUBLIC STORY.
They target Indian Point plant near New York City (33 miles away frm downtown). This plant is even safer because it sits right on the water's edge, and can shut down and bring the plant to a safe condition with plenty of extra cooling water.
What if Fox's little plane could have dropped a BIG BAD BOMB right on the Indian Point Dome? So what!? At the moment of explosion, the plant would SCRAM and shut down safely. There would NOT be major radio active fallout ... at best the 3 mile zone might be evacuated, but that is mostly for precautionary purposes and to make sure idiots stay away from the plant.
Why would a Big Bomb not hurt the Dome?: The typical containment dome is 12 to 15 feet thick, and are designed to withstand a direct hit from aircraft going 550+ miles per hour. A Big Bomb would have to be so big that it would destrpy everthing instantly ... but, if the Bad Guys have such a bomb, they don't need to mess with a Nuke Plant, they can just detonate it in New York City and cause much more panic and harm. Why? Because it would take Nuke Bomb to do what they wold need to do to a Nuclear Power Plant.
What does surprise me, and is a legitimate discovery by Fox is: The FAA, and DOD, and the new Homeland Defense Dept. eliminated the NO-FLY Zone near nuclear plants. I am not concerned with terrorists making an air attack, because they obviously have enough information to know that it is a stupid act that will not work ... but the government needs to keep the No-Fly Zones in place to keep the idiots in our own country from spreading sensationalistic fear.
Anyway, I just hate this scare tactic stuff ... and that makes me want to puke when they spread crap about nukes.