Are Jw's the only ones with apostates....

by VioletAnai 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    I applaud the people in this thread who have tried reasoning with ViolentAnai.

    Alas, have the majority of you forgotten what it was like to be an newly-baptized or active JW?

    In most cases they possessed that "zeal" and honestly believed the JW had the "Truth" and no one could tell you different.

    At that particular time you were not the least bit interested in anything critical anyone had to say against the religion, because you yourself had not experienced it.

    This is a lesson Violet has to learn for herself over time with experiences with the JW.

    She will live with rose-colored glasses on for a period of time, content in satisfying herself with the self-perceived notion she has found Pangea.

    I fully expect her to probably lambast me here when she replies in this thread, but this is reality.

    On another note, as many have already stated here, if you did your research.. which obviously you have not.. you would KNOW that the JW have declared MANY FALSE teachings. I have the annual bound volumes of Watchtower and Awake magazines from 1945 to 2000, and if you want glaring contradictions given in the literature from the society which allegedly speaks for God himself, you would discover that either God is a liar capable of vacillating and changing his mind every other year, or the WTBTS is a false prophet. You do the math.

    To compound upon that, if you did your proper research on other religions, you would know that many, many other religions have so called "apostates" which loudly speak out against the doctrine of the religion they once believed.

    You claim the JW have the most outspoken apostates. The reality is you are personally associated with the JW, and that clouds your judgement into being so certain that only JW apostates are the most prominent. Not only that, but Watchtower literature promotes the idea that the world as a whole pays such close attention to what is going on with the JW.. when in fact 6 million people out of almost 7 billion is trivial.

    The general public knows LITTLE or NOTHING about JW. Get your act together Violet before you post garbage for other people to read.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • Reborn2002

    On another note while I am thinking of it, it is so simple yet so important...

    Violent, if you are an active JW or getting baptized... WHY in the WORLD are you browsing and posting here? Do you not know that is forbidden by WTBTS standards?

    Next time your sitting in the Kingdom Hall let one of the local elders know you are looking on the Internet at and knowingly questioning issues and debating with people who are DA and DF.

    You contradict yourself. You have no business continuing a presence here.

    There is no point in trying to reason with someone who does not want to be reasoned with. In light of that, I will cease attempting rationale with you. However, I felt it important to point out your blatant hypocrisy.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • AjaxMan


    Violet is not baptized yet. That is why she looks everything inside her congo with rose-colored glasses. Once she gets baptized, she'll see the real deal.

    I bet you agree with me that, don't you?

  • dungbeetle

    we're bordering on trolldom here....

  • Reborn2002

    Oh I agree Ajax.

    She is naive.

    When I was an unbaptized publisher and a potentiall convert, I was convinced and gung-ho as well.

    Even in my first couple of years after I was baptized, I believed it.

    She will see the crux of the matter in due time.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • VioletAnai

    Please don't call me naive....something that I AM NOT! I have had alot of experience and am familiar with the past prophecy and mistakes of the wt, but I bear in mind that they are fallible...

    I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and the problem lay within myself and a sick, twisted individual, not the organisation! Now this individual is like you and me only he has a perverted sexual appetite...and he used it within the walls of the jw's where there was access to a multitude of children and protection to a certain extent. Other examples are Schools, Child Care Centres, Group Leaders, Police Men, Judges, Counsellors....

    So in no way do I actually blame the wt, only the sick individuals that choose to use it as an avenue to their gratification

  • bluesapphire

    Well, I think you have rose colored glasses on. Look at all the JWs who left their former religions and the way they bash it. For example, ask any of your JW buddies who were once Catholic about their former religion and see if they say something nice about it.

    And you're also forgetting the fact that JWism HURTS people. It takes away their families and loved ones when they leave. There's a lot to be angry about.

    But I think you should join. In fact, why don't you get baptized, pioneer, apply for Bethel service and marry a circuit overseer. Since this religion is so good, and it's the truth and they never lie, then do it. Get dunked!

  • noidea

    I wish you nothing but happiness in the Watchtower Bible Tract and Zombies Society.
    Go for it girl.
    I however don't think it would be right if you plan on turning in the time you spend here on your field service report.

  • Xander

    So in no way do I actually blame the wt, only the sick individuals that choose to use it as an avenue to their gratification

    Interesting. Well, what of this individual now? An elder yet? Doesn't it take prayerful consideration and divine guidance to be allowed to be a ministerial servant or elder?

    Just wondering.

    Why, incidently, do you care about the organization at all? I mean, you admit they are fallible. You admit they have undesirable members. What's left? Why not join a baptist church or something? They teach the bible, too, you know. Lot less scandals, to boot.

    And, if you feel the need to use that 'joining a religion JUST IN CASE' argument - well, they are more compelling. After all, if the JWs are right, and you don't join them, you just 'sleep' forever. HOWEVER, if the BAPTISTS are right, and you don't join them, YOU BURN IN HELL FOREVER.

    I can see - *maybe* - an argument for another christian religion that at least makes an effort to follow the bible. But, the JWs?

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • VioletAnai

    Because I believe in my heart that it is the truth and I ignored my heart for years...but I'm not prepared to do that brought me no happiness!


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