There's a mass exodus of young Witnesses out of the
organization. What's particularily interesting about
it is the loss of young men.
Remember, only men can assume leadership. Sisters can
only pioneer or make babies.
Here's too quick reasons why the next generation of elders
won't exist.
Video games and internet porn
Imagine that what used to be a gap has now become a
yawning chasm. Contrast any boring, repetitive Witness
meeting with the increasingly real video game world
and you'll find out why young Witness boys can obsess
about them - and learn about the fun the world has to offer.
It used to tough to get even a Playboy - without
frontal nudity at that - if you were a kid in the sixties.
Now, anybody can see any possible sex act for free
- if they have a PC. Meanwhile, the WTS prates on
about masturbation. What was a gap now is unbridgeable.
This is the last generation of Witnesses, especially
male. They can't control the kids anymore - they
emphasized organizational rules over individual conscience
and now are reaping the whirlwind. Almost every feature
of the WTS teaches PRETENSE - and they wonder why the kids
lead a double life??? Heck, they're just doing what they've
been taught!
The ineffectual response of the Governing Body
to the crisis of the youth exodus proves they
have no Divine direction or inspiration.
No wonder there's more MS's than elders!
I talked with an old elder friend - he noted that the organization
has no 'infrastructure' to help kids - or anyone else. Too busy
faking hours in a dead ministry, I guess.
It's sad really - because so many families - and kids - deserve
much better than what meagre crumbs the Watchtower gives them