Reasons why we hate JW's (as an org)

by ashitaka 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    The "rag on head" issue is still unanswered.

    Your explanation for pants does not hold up under examination.

    Why bother?

  • NameWithheld

    termite: That is because they ARE desperate. With the male/female JW ratio, if a JW female hasn't landed 'her man' by age 18 she's doomed to a life of single pioneering - a fate worse than death!

  • neyank

    But I wore pants to all the meetings!

    Oh. Wait a minute.
    I'm a male.

    Never mind.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Have you ever been one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Your comments defending the WTS and your unusual jargon lead me to believe that you either have never been a JW and base all your statements on WTS propaganda, OR you are an active JW who is incapable if accepting the experience of others as real.

    I urge you to start a thread telling us your particular story.

  • Kismet

    The elements most disturbing to me have been the shunning issue and the FACT that the JW's are a high control religious sect.

    Shunning: I do understand and fully support kicking out child abusers and the like. Sure they can attend the meetings but they will never be allowed out in service or on the platform. This does serve as a protection to the Congregation and to the community. But, and this is a big butt!! most people are not shunned for such major crimes. They lose their families over stupid little things like being disrespectful to elders, for smoking, for lack of self control over NATURAL desires.

    Rather than being a loving act it is a harsh abuse heaped on many honest hearted people. This people are not wicked but they are 'beat about the head' by star chamber tactics and methods. Can you feel the love? What was that identifying feature again?

    Anyone with half a brain and a modicum of honesty can see that the JW's are a high control sect. When buying clothing, they have to think is this acceptable to the congregation (and every cong has it's own rules), can I go to a funeral service of my Uncle who isn't a JW? What do the publications have to say about that? They are taught not how to research scripture but how to use the Society's index properly. Then we have Christmas, Valentine's Day etc nope can't do that. How about who you can date? well it has to be in the BOrg, and even then the person has to have the approval oof the elders or else will feel the pressure to break it off.

    As far as Xenu goes, don't let him hijack this thread away from the topic. Don't feed the trolls. He is simply a reincarnate of Fred Hall, just done as a religious zealot and a preoccupation with Jewish g-d's instead of Jessica Alba :) ..IMO of course.


  • ashitaka

    try this on for size Xero--

    Piss off, you nonsensical infant!!!

    Thanks, I just had to get that out of my system.

    Gotta love cults!!!


  • ashitaka


    right on with your post, Amarie's too.

    Good points.


  • Xenu

    I have observed many female witnesses of Elohim enter into the community headquarters of the Elhohim wearing denim and wool skirts.
    The Holy writings of the Saints tell us that we should be reasonable. It sounds like these ones in your former community wear lording it over. Truly, if they continue in this course they will face the wrath of Yeshua on his Glorious day

  • teenyuck

    Kismet, good idea...I did not mean to get off subject.

    The thread:
    tells some of my reasons. It is dealing with blaming parents, however, the carry over is why I despise the borg.

    The shunning, blood, control over associations, dress, etc.

    The bottom line is control. Being told a child is a bad association is ridiculous. Having to wear only skirts is ridiculous. Having to wear a paper napkin on our heads as a sign of respect is ridiculous.

    I do not like the whole control aspect. The JW's smack of high control. Islam also comes to mind.

    If dubs could arrange marriages here, I am sure they would try. Since we are in one of the most liberal society's in the world, it is hard to conceive how modern people get ensnared into a "do what we say or you are out" type of control group.

    The false phrophicies also come to mind. How many times can a group who have god's ear be wrong? Oh, that's right, there is no god.

  • Jigrigger

    Well Xenu, you are technically correct. For instance, I can't recall ever being counselled about what kind of toothpaste to buy, or if I should hold my fork in my right or left hand...
    However, the kind of control that Headquarters exerts is far more insidious than merely stating IN PRINT what you should and shouldn't do.

    The mindset that JW indoctrination creates an environment where one cannot make simple decisions in even mundane matters without worrying how others - specifically elders - will view one's choices as to how theocratic that one is.

    I remember as a teenager a friend of mine was agonizing over whether the first vehicle he was about to purchase would be a pick-up or a mid-size sedan. He really wanted the truck but an elder told him it would reflect selfishness on his part if he got a vehicle that wouldn't be useful for door to door work. Of course, you will never see in print that "young JW men must not purchase 4X4s" but it is clear that the Society's control in an individual's life extends well beyond stated doctrine and into matters of the utmost unimportance.


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