Just trawled a round a few next-gen JW's back in my old neck of the woods up in Scotland - kids of my gen really. Couple of things stood out:
1 - some serious FB'ers in there - 800+ friends on one of them
2 - not connected to their parents typically, who are maybe more 'religious' about not being on FB
3 - most of them have 'worldy' friends
4 - a lot of young married couples with wedding pics for profile - fair enough, just stood out a bit for some reason
5 - varying levels of privacy settings - most were open, although some you couldn't see their profile pic and had to message them - friend requests blocked
I friend requested a few that I would genuinely like to hear from.
If a tipping point gets breached with TTATT my goodness its going to be an overnight bloodbath - the level of connected-ness now is pervasive.