This WT book allows one raised as a JW to do a critical review of the religion and elders can't go against it.

by EndofMysteries 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nonjwspouse

    very VERY good!

  • clarity

    POWERFUL! Thanks


  • EndofMysteries

    thanks mindnumb and bats for posting more details and the original :)

  • Phizzy

    The booklet says "Is it reasonable to say whether something is right or wrong before you have looked into it, or before you have even thought about it? "

    The hypocrisy in this is HUGE, they expect people of other faiths to "look in to it" and "to think about it", and yet the clear, fear-inspiring commands from the GB via the WT mag-rag, see Dec 2013 issue, are that a JW is forbidden on pain of expulsion to do any such thing.

  • Zoos

    Nice find.

    Booklet was copyrighted in 1982. I was baptized in 81. I don't remember this booklet.

    ... just thinking outloud.

  • apocalypse

    Do Catholics "look into it" to discover the "truth" about their religious upbringing?

    Sure! They have questions. So, they go to the preist and he answers them. Fixed!

    Now they can stay Catholic.

    What are you suggesting brother, that Catholics should listen to an outsider talk about their religion? Oh dear! That would be apostacy. They can't do that, now can they? We wouldn't be advocating a double standard, would we?

    No, Catholics should liten to their religious hierarchy. We will lsiten to ours. That's how we "look into it".

  • GoneAwol

    Wow! This is like new light! Sent it to my muvver. She will read it cos its from her masters in crooklyn.

  • PaintedToeNail
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    This was specifically geared for Muslims.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    It's still there in the WT Library CD 2012 Edition.

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