Whenever he responds to a topic, I just have to laugh out loud! I love the visuals-- they are very much to the point. Even with serious topics, when OUTLAW shows up to contribute, I smile, chuckle, giggle, or let it all out! Thanks OUTLAW. You're my favorite apostate
by losingit 16 Replies latest jw friends
His humor is very refreshing.
never a jw
Just got reminded of the windowless kingdom hall full of window washers, which was posted right after another funny comment. He is definitely talented and very much needed here. Few of us would be in anger management sessions if it weren't for outlaw's funny visuals. Thank you OUTLAW. Don't do as Leolaia did. I miss that lady so much. I couldn't take another loss like that.
They say that his database of clipart and pithy sayings rivals the massive data stores of even the great and formidable NSA. The man, the legend, the Outlaw!
No one can place him. outlaw you are our guy.
The man, the legend, the OUTLAW !_______Tootired2care
Hello there Tootired2care, Maybe OUTLAW would like the theme song from " The good , the bad and the Ugly " To accompany that
I've spit Diet Coke on the screen more times because of him.....
I too love the OUTLAW
Outlaw is hilarious!
I also enjoy the biting wit of Nathan Natas.
"windowless kingdom hall full of window washers," - now that's a classic. I missed that one but hope to find it.
He's the most awesome visual artist around. We could use his visuals for a game like "Name that Apostate Topic."
I, too, love/appreciate him.