It's Downton Abbey
Don't Allow Common "John and Jane Doe" (spiritually dead) to Corporate Broadcast! Keep us Clean!
by AuntConnie 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Aunt Connie! How the hell are ya? I haven't seen you around, stirring the pot, for a while now. Maybe I missed some of your threads?
zed is dead
Does the next C.O. still lock you up, Connie?
Whaaaa Happen????
Aunt Connie!!!! So wonderful that you may soon be a COW.
A Circuit Overseer's Wife is an important person in the organization! Not only do you get to listen to your dear Hubby present the same talks week after week for six months straight, you get to make special meal requests at every congregation.
Do you have any burdensome health problems that will allow you to demand organic food?
Or maybe you are a vegan, that would certainly make it difficult on the snotty elder wives that will be having you over for lunch and dinner!
Even if you don't, I'm sure you will be able to think of something to entertain yourself.
Looking down on the single monthers and questioning them endlessly about their missing husband is always fun! Or you can always make snide remarks about how the children are acting out in serve-us!
label licker
Think of all the money envelopes that will be falling into your lap. All the cheap pasta dinners you'll be served made by those with colds and runny noses. All the depressing stories about how ones don't like their halls or having to listen to their sicknesses. The fun you will have everytime someone complains to you or you don't like their meals. You can ask them each time are they apostates and watch the look on their faces when they ask you what does a meal have to do with being an apostate or what's complaining got to do with being an apostate. Or if you feel your not being label licked enough you can ask if they are apostates. Just watch their faces Push the name calling back onto them. Everytime you go to mention say and then say oops my mistake, I meant to say Work it girl!
label licker
Oh, one other question, can I call you sissy?
Do you think Aunt Connie writes for Jehovah's Trumpet now and then?
I have been known to blow my own trumpet and make sure I whistle while putting a wad of twenties in the Kingdom Hall donation box. No reward so far because nobody really care's! I think most Witnesses don't have the spare cash to pay for all that wonderful NuLite new magazines so they avoid looking at those money pit boxes! People have their head burried up their asses, how misinformed do you think your elders are? Talking with the circuit overseer about the true reasons we left charging for magazines "Jehovah's Slave was far ahead of their time, the real reason we stopped charging for literature was Jehovah wanted everyone to have thos Mags for free!" elders and the co spreading this bull!
The real reason we stopped charging for magazines had to do with Jimmy Swaggart and Jim and Tammy Faye Baker? Not to give the literature for free, I know that's bogus because I end up paying for most of the congregations litertaure after the co roast's our Hall for being cheap!
No, you couldn't just ask for less. Didn't they put on a Nibelungenlied if there was the spectre of a reduction in literature order, which was tantamount to admitting spiritual weakness in the cong?