Just found out my 12 year old niece got baptized on Saturday. Need I say more? That is the same age I got baptized....as we all know it just should not be allowed. If a child is not mature enough in other areas of life how can they be mature enough to commit their lives to the borg? Just very sad!
Feeling Sick
by FreeGirl2006 12 Replies latest jw friends
Aunt Fancy
I am sorry to hear that. When I was in I was pretty vocal about young children and teens getting baptized. I would tell others I don't understand why they are allowed when Jesus wasn't baptized until he was 30. Of course we all know the real reason for it is control.
I think most of us would not be on this forum if we had not given in to the pressure from family and friends to get baptized so young. Knowing my niece's personality I see struggles and many meetings with the elders in her future.
yes, it is sickening to see,,but must have hope,,you left it, I left it tho baptized there at 11 yrs old. Children are leaving in high percentage,,with Internet exposure.. hopefully they are processing things sooner. The organization is getting less desirable more and more.
Poor girl.
dazed but not confused
Yup. I was 13 and also fell for the pressure of friends. I don't remember my mom pressuring me too much. She was happy i was doing it though. And at that age I KNEWit was the TROOF. No one at the time would have or could have convinced me otherwise.
It will probably bring heartache to her. But, look on the bright side. It's a joke! It's stupid and hilarious (easy for me to say since it's not my relative) Hopefully, a few years from now, the two of you will look back on this episode laughing!
I am so sorry to hear it FreeGirl. Maybe, just maybe, you can maintain close ties with her so as to be a real support to her when she is in her mid teens and going trhough H trying to live up to the Borgs requirements.
fresh prince of ohio
...a decision that she will be held hostage to for the remainder of her life.
So sorry. Hang in there and lead the happiest, most productive life you can--your neice may notice the difference!