The circuit overseer ranted on and on today about how parents aren't policing the internet at home good enough. I guess the kids and teens are on line too much unsupervised and getting into trouble.
needs of the circuit
by hoser 21 Replies latest jw friends
Kids these days are taught to research on the internet for their classes. I think they will wake up quicker than our older "overlapping generations' has. Information is esy to find now plus critical thinking is encouraged in school.
So, the internet poses at least a double threat -- learning something academically AND apostate websites! Oooooooh! Demons in the computer! Burn it!
So much for parents that let children have a more lenient life. That is a sure way to get them to rebel when they get older, probably going to the very sites they were banned from visiting earlier. And they do this with other areas--so much for having a decent amount of fun, toys, being able to enjoy video games and use their own conscience to decide whether they can handle fantasy magic or violence and how much, listening to music, associating with regular people, looking at Christmas decorations during the holiday season, and so on.
By comparison, Satan expects people to cross-research everything. You find a doctrine, you go online and look at a variety of sources on the topic. You get into science, exploring more than the sanitized Rockefeller version of topics. You are expected to form your own ideas about things, and revise them yourself as new evidence comes to light (yes, knowledge is being unburied faster than xians are capable of trashing it). Even children can find information about these beliefs as well as science, and come to their own conclusions that will be revised when they are capable of deeper understanding. Try that with the jokehovians!
Thank evolution for the internet and the enquiring minds of children , who will see far more quicker than their indoctrinated parents ,the absurdity and stupidity of the ever changing beleifs under the guise of" new light" Children are much smarter than that.
I know that, if it wasn't for the Internet, I would probably have never known the truths about the Watchtower Society.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hoser , You were at an assembly today, or your CO, was at your congo this week?
How did your abbreviated Watchtower study go today?
Inquiring minds want to know. lol
It was at the circuit assembly. The CO seemed VERY upset about the internet use in peoples homes. Unless we become Amish or something like that internet use will only increase. It is part of our life now. He actually said we recommend that it is in a public place in the house, but now with smart phones you can have the internet wherever you go. really? never knew that? lol wt 5 years behind the times as usual.
As for the watchtower summary the speaker got up at the lecturn and said" many of you will have trouble understanding this article, I have a hard time understanding it. " He then went though it and I thought he did a pretty good job considering.
The good thing about it is that I was able to have an assembly review with mrs hoser on the drive home. I told her that the WT has no choice but to change their doctrine because they ran out of time. The generation that saw 1914 is DEAD. I also pointed out that according to this watchtower we now believe in the rapture, something we spent decades refuting in our door to door ministry work.
Next up is the annual meeting in a few weeks.
finally awake
I'm so sorry you had to waste a perfectly good day listening to that nonsense. Hope you at least got a good dinner out of it.
It was actually two good days, but I actually think it was worth the sacrifice in the long run that is.