Can anyone point me in the direction of PMs? The little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.
by Mickey mouse 10 Replies latest forum tech-support
Can anyone point me in the direction of PMs? The little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.
The PM envelope icon will now show beside your name IF you have a PM waiting as I just learned.
I'm not sure however how to access already viewed ones as I can't seem to locate any means to do so. I have looked at the options when clicking on my screen name but I don't see anything except a method to send a PM to myself.
Click on your name and 'send message' will be at top of page. Click on that and 'sent messages' and 'received messages' will show at top of page.
Aw... the icon is back... and I thought it meant someone sent me a pm.
Alas... it was not to be ; )
I put it back to avoid confusion, I may fade it out / change the color to indicate no messages.
My AM icon is gone too.
I couldn't find it when I came back from lunch.
Rub a Dub
Thank you Xanthippe for the instructions.
I also see my icon has returned. Thanks Simon!
Fading it when no new messages or changing its colour is probably a great solution.
Hey Simon..
The numbers beside the PM envelope are cool..
Now I know when I have a PM..Thanks!!..
Yes, ditto what OUTLAW just said! Good work!