With rumors, to quote a famous gossip writer "What else can you do with a rumor beside spread it?”
Our Kingdom Hall is cracking at the seams; we had almost two hundred publishers attending when our congregation was initially blessed by a speaker from Bethel. Currently the donations are not pouring in to cover the expenses influential elders volunteered their flock for. Attendance, we are lucky to have eighty publishers on any given Thursday Night. The New Light rumors are spreading around, “Everyone is going to partake”, “Blood transfusion Ban Lifted”, “Field Service will no longer include door to door” because it’s not productive and waste the Witnesses minimum wage disposable income adding a burden to Satan’s System of W.I.C. and Food Stamp vouchers and Section 8 Housing. These rumors were quashed by our Circuit Overseer, he said "the brothers at Bethel are concerned the Little Flock is going to keep growing exponentially. The quality of the new group of partakers is not so good, most claiming to have "the feeling" are not emotionally stable, one of the new "anointed" brought her dog in a bag to each Assembly day only to have the brothers tell her to take it back to the Marriot in Bakersfield, California. It's becoming a problem the mentally ill are the highest percentage of partakers of the emblems. All hell busted lose when Crazy Doris’s dog was howling during the Drama, if looks could kill, Crazy Doris with her little Chihuahuahua might be found floating down the Kern River.
New Light is strategic, the Governing Body in their infinite wisdom spayed and neutered all and everyone, claiming to be anyone, by saying that the Faithful Slave will be raised is a Flask, grown to a maturity and presented to all the JWs as a new homunculus