Highlights from the zone overseer visit of brother Gerrit Losch to Norway
After Armageddon there Will be no more Norway, Sweden, USA. We will have an administration center in the new world. Ezekiel 48:35. We are building now a place in Warwick (we don’t like the name, we hope rename it Peacewick)there will be a place for about 1000 Bethelites. If this is the new Adm. Center we don’t know. We do know there will be a Administrative Center in the new world.
Perhaps they should rename it to “Shammah”.
Ezekiel 48:35, footnote — What does the city in Ezekiel’s vision represent? “Jehovah-Shammah” is situated in “profane” land, indicating that it must represent something earthly. The city seems to represent the earthly administration that benefits those who will make up the righteous “new earth.” (2 Peter 3:13) Having gates on each side illustrates its openness. The overseers among God’s people are to be approachable.
w07 8/1 p. 11 par. 3
So it goes from "seems to represent" to "there will be" an administration center? How aloof must these Eight be to declare such a vague text represents their new building in Warwick? (Reminds me of the . . . from Scranton to Hoboken Terminal . . . story)