Was speaking with a JW about an issue of mutual interest and he went on about how close we are to the end and "we just dont know how this Syria situation may turn the UN against religion". Gimme a break. But this time, first ever, there was despair in his voice as if he didn't believe it any longer. There was no anticipation or joy at the prospect. Are you hearing that telling desperation in thier voice when you hear from JW's that still talk to you? Its so sad really.
Another Witness Goes on about Syria and the Big "A"
by Wasanelder Once 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Julia Orwell
More depression than desperation.
This Syria situation and the JWs' reaction to it reminds me of when the US et al were preparing for war with Afghanistan and then Iraq. Even before that however, when doing the Daniel book first time around, someone said maybe North Korea could be the 'king of the north' or whatever who will come up against JWs. Yeah right. As if North Korea could or would do that!!!
But the JWs are so hypervigilant after decades of "Armageddon's just around the corner!" they'll latch onto any USA-the world event.
The Searcher
As I said to someone with similar thinking, "One swallow does not a summer make."
First century Christians didn't have to speculate amongst themselves when a certain event happened in 66 C.E., did they?
Yet, for a long time, charlatans had been trying to mis-direct them with false speculations and 'signs'. Familiar?
Same old story...every negative situation a JW sees " Armaggedon is here ".
Life is much better now than any other time in history.
It's their job to complain about everything going on in the world.
Given that so many have given up so much to be part if this religion, they look for ANYTHING that could mean the big A is almost here as it would mean all that they sacrificnotes not in vain. My auntie always points out that the big A is soo close each time she sees any thing bad on the news. So yes, I hear this blah blah blah every time I see her....
Are you hearing that telling desperation in thier voice when you hear from JW's that still talk to you? Its so sad really.
I've noticed for several years that there is a tinge of, not exactly desperation, but maybe sadness or resignation.
As in "I know this is what I'm supposed to believe, and if I keep repeating it out loud, maybe I can re-convince myself it will really happen..."
Kool Jo
Most JW's now are very desperate...some have doubts and are growing older not seeing the "Big A" coming so thay they can be ushered into paradise.
They're so much in fear of the GB, that they go with the flow...my parents for example are glued to CNN, hoping and praying that some type of news (wars ect) would get to a point where the UN would make some some type of announcement...ofcourse, nothing happens.
Kool Jo
Frazzled UBM
The Soviet Union used to be the king of the north - they are still clutching at straws - when one goes away they grab onto to the next one desperate to avoid cognitive dissonance. It would be interesting to count how many different signs that armageddon is coming soon have been identified and abandoned over the years. It must be in the hundreds if not the thousands.
Simon Morley
The problems in Syria are not religous in nature. The problem is a despot in absolute power, another in a long line of despots with absolute power, not the first and not the last. This despot was equally supported (depending on their M.O.) by the US and Russia as the ebb abd flow of geopolitics made its mark. Next the dubs will be saying the parbuckling (love that word!) of the Costa Concordia is a fullfillment of Revelation 13.
Well, they might reason that Syria was a world power in Bible history...hehe