I'm tired of hearing people grovel before their "benevolent" creator.
Recently I was listening to a JW relative express regrets over their rebellious life-style when they were young. Then came that phrase:
"I'm so greatful for Jehovah's undeserved kindness and that he can accept me with my sinful past."
Why should God's kindness be considered undeserved?
If you believe the Bible it seems humans carry the biggest burden in the universe.
Because Adam and Eve sinned we not only die but suffer a hellish life. We get our bodies eaten up by cancer.
We get paralyzed by strange genetic time-bombs.
We have children born with grotesque abnormalities.
Statistically half the population of the earth have to live an ignored existence because we are a 5 or less on the 1 to 10 beauty scale.
We are exposed to micro-organisms that eat up our flesh, give us perpetual diahrrea.
We are bitten or stung by poisonous snakes, spiders, jellyfish, ticks, bedbugs, hornets and bees.
We are pestered by flies and mosquitoes.
Our homes are blown away by hurricanes and tornadoes. Washed down stream in floods. Swallowed up in sink holes. Shaken to the ground by earth quakes.
Women are raped by the millions every day. Children too.
We are attacked by other humans who in many ways are at their wits end.
Now what happens to the demons (if you still believe they are part of this scene)? Nothing. They simply die. They live a life
of playing practical jokes on humans. They get to play the invisible game for thousands of years. No cancer for the arch villains.
And what about the excruciating death of Jesus. That's all it took to reverse man's problems? Humans can't praise his sacrifice enough.
How would you like to have had his life. He preached 3 and one half years. How long have you preached?
He had angels appearing at his birth and they were usually available if he needed them. Plus he had a repertoir of special powers.
He had an eternity of experience already as the special first born of all creation. He knew that. He knew he was going to be back in charge.
Dying on a torture stake (cross?) was no picnic. Nor is death from cancer, or tuberculosis, or parkinsons or ALS.
He died a humiliating death. We live a humiliating pathetic life.
All of this for Jehovah's name.
I think humans deserve every bit of kindness that the all powerful one can scrape up.
Cut out this undeserved kindness myth.