"Why would everyone be included this time...unless something special is about to happen?"

by Separation of Powers 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    I'm with Bungi Bill, likely much ado about nothing. The GB likes to put shit like this together to excite the masses, only to scoop out the same old crap. Just think of every "special talk" you have ever heard.

  • hamsterbait

    I am sure they will say everybody should take the emblems.

    Too many annointed now = this way the whole issue will be a fog.


  • DesirousOfChange

    I think it's an opportunity to fill up the Assembly Halls and charge the circuits/congregations for their use. Sat & Sun. Easily 3 meetings each day. Six "assemblies" @ $10K or $20K or more from each Assm Hall? CHA-CHING! Funds raised at KHalls for those events may even be directed to be sent to the WTS.


  • JeffT


    1) Armageddon started invisibly.

    2) Updated Bible

    3) Updated doctrine

    4) We need more money. Here's an extra copy of the memo about putting colored paper in the fax machine. Please read it.

  • wallsofjericho
    I cannot but feel that this is just one more case of "Much Ado About Nothing"!


  • wallsofjericho
    I think it's an opportunity to fill up the Assembly Halls and charge the circuits/congregations for their use. Sat & Sun. Easily 3 meetings each day. Six "assemblies" @ $10K or $20K or more from each Assm Hall? CHA-CHING! Funds raised at KHalls for those events may even be directed to be sent to the WTS.


  • stillin

    I don't know about you, but I feel really special about being invited. What a privilege!

  • rmt1

    "I think it's an opportunity to fill up the Assembly Halls and charge the circuits/congregations for their use. Sat & Sun. Easily 3 meetings each day. Six "assemblies" @ $10K or $20K or more from each Assm Hall? CHA-CHING! Funds raised at KHalls for those events may even be directed to be sent to the WTS."

    Fewest moving parts, maximum occam.

  • stillin

    3 1/2 hours out of my weekend. Plus shaving, driving, going out to eat. My whole Saturday...blown! But maybe that will be the day that really really counts, and just being there will be a big plus on my scoresheet with Jehovah. No, He doesn't give crap about me or anybody else there. It's just another "racket and snare" shindig.

  • rmt1

    "racket and snare".

    Hm, your usage is an example of Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin, who formulated the process, "to make strange".

    Now all I can see is a snare drum and a tennis racket.

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