What Was The Effect of You Knowing Hypocritical JW's?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    There is NO WAY any Witness can live up to all the rules without seriously compromising their health and/or sanity. So EVERY Witness lives with guilt about SOMETHING. My hubby is a HUGE hypocrite, and I am thankful for it. Most of the time he is just himself, which suits me just fine.

    Our time together would be many times more miserable if he got it in his head to purify up a little.

    Me, my internal life has to match my external. It takes a lot less energy that way.

  • wasblind

    # 1

    The very same Elder that stood at the podium encouraged high school kids to

    take a couple of years straight out of High school to pioneer, Was the very same one

    Who kids went straight to a University after high school and only did Auxilliary as pioneers

  • wasblind

    He knew good and well that the ones who put it off

    were more likely not to go at all

    I believe that's the reason he had a double standard for his kids

  • EmptyInside

    I didn't let their behavior discourage me. But,eventually,I would get angry,because it seemed the most judgemental,were the ones leading the double lives.

  • d

    It made me very cynical.

  • Skbj

    None of the options given. I am a live and let live type person. Even when I was a JW. As long as they didn't come step on my toes I couldn't care less what or who they got up to.

    Unfortunately there have been a couple of occasions when they did step on my toes. I wasn't perfect as a teen JW, but I didn't exactly cross lines either especially with people of the other sex. Yet I did have some people who to cover up their own doings tried to shift the attention of the elders and everyone else onto me. Let's just say it didn't end well for them :)

  • Scully

    Hypocrisy never sits well with me. We were raised to cherish honesty as one of the highest values, and when someone is being hypocritical it demonstrates a deeply self-deluded state, in thinking that it's perfectly fine for them to behave in a manner that they tell everyone else would be wrong, and actually shows how poorly they regard others in believing that other people are too stupid to see through their crap.

    It didn't bother me so much when JWs outside my family behaved that way, because I didn't know what went on in their private lives really, but when my dad would drag my mom, siblings and I up on the platform and demonstrate how a Family Study™ was supposed to be conducted, I'd be livid with him for weeks afterward, because we never actually *had* a Family Study™ as a matter of routine. I hated being forced to pretend we were something we were not. It felt like I was lying in Jehovah's house, and like Achan or Ananias and Sapphira, we'd be found out as pretenders and swiftly be brought to divine justice.

  • ShirleyW

    What Wasblind said. One Elder definitely sticks out in my mind for preaching what athe Borg says about college, but two of his sons are college grads, but his younger son, had children scattered around the Tri- State area and the elders in his KH knew about it, so, this most prious of Elders simply switched to another Cong. out on Long Island, where he was warmly accepted, can you say "old boys club" ???

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    These are ALL great observations.

    The reason I put this thread up, is because I have needed to understand what the He?? was I thinking all those decades I was in.

    I understand, for me #1 did not smack me in between the eyes, because I had no external supports set up, to help me escape from all the hypocrisy surrounding me.

    I also was engulfed in fantasy thinking of... because I am good, Jehovah will protect me and bless me for it. FacePalm lol

    The big hypocrites for so many decades in my life, were never DF'ed.

    I was good, and had a bad life.

    They were bad, and had a good life.

    There is a lesson in there somewhere.


  • exwhyzee

    It was death by a thousand cuts, rather than one single thing, but I'd say #1 comes closest to how it was for us.

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