ApostateChick Strikes again "Jehovah's Witnesses--Why The @#$% Are You Here? "

by Watchtower-Free 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec
    (Quick, mark this occasion! I am actually AGREEING with TEC!)

    Lol ; )



  • cyberjesus

    I guess on her videos she can say whatever she wants... unless some part of you tells you you should tell her how yo speak.... where did I hear that before?

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Good points on her vid but I sense a lot of hostility. Take it easy, breathe a little, and eff the rest.

  • DeWandelaar

    Please keep in mind she is adressing someone (or a group of people)... If you are adressing someone it just isn't nice to talk like that. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech but more with ethics and morals. You CAN disagree and YES you can say whatever you wanna say BUT there are some unwritten "rules".

    Let me make one thing clear: I am NOT attacking her points of view... she is absolutely right! ... I am not someone who uses Argumentum ad Hominem... I am just saying that if you want to win someone for your cause it is better to use honey then acid.

    In other video's for example she uses arguments without being rude... If I compare this video with the other one(s) it is just not working that well.

  • cofty
    I am just saying that if you want to win someone for your cause it is better to use honey then acid.

    But she has said that is not her objective. That's kind of the whole point of his video.

  • problemaddict

    I like her, I like her story. I realize she has spunk and is just doing what is helping her personally heal.

    That is really all that matters i guess. As far as her videos, she certainly isn't bring any JW's around anytime soon.


    I like ApostaChick!..F-Bombs and all!!..

    Why do JW`s always Assume..

    Everyone in the Outside World is Fornicating?!..

    If JW`s are "Idiots about Fornicating" in the Outside World..

    Does that make them F*cking Idiots?!..

    They`re All Fornicating!!..

    EveryWhere..AnyWhere..All The Time!!..

    ...................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • adamah

    Outlaw said-

    Why do JW`s always Assume.. Everyone in the Outside World is Fornicating?!..

    Classic example of psychological projection, where the commenter WANTS her to be a fornicator, and he fantasizes she'd do it with him. It's infantile, a fantasy (which is nothing new to JWs).

    From http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Psychological_projection

    Projection is the psychological phenomenon where someone denies some aspect of their behavior or attitudes and assumes instead that everyone else is doing or thinking so instead. It is usually seen as the externalisation of a person's negative traits, placing blame on an outside force such as the environment, a government, a society or other people.



  • DJS

    I'm in love.

  • Phizzy

    She is GORGEOUS ! and I love the vid, F-bombs and all, if I had watched something like that whilst still a just about awakening JW it would have helped me I feel, so she may do some good, who knows ?

    She certainly cuts the arrogant and yet ignorant JW's who posted on her blog down to size !

    Keep it up Apostate Chick !

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