The Two Governing Bodies

by Londo111 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts
    the Society would not pick him up for the airport unless he was dressed in a suit.

    I'm not sure I would believe everything a GB member says. He may have been stretching the truth, in order to motivate everyone else to follow the Watchtower dress code. The Watchtower suit/tie/no beard for men, and only dresses/skirts for women is very 1950's. The words cult and stepford wives spring to mind.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Do the directors get the same perks as the governing body?

  • Londo111

    @BackseatDevil: About "your GB member"...I no longer have a GB.

    This twin body arrangement, at least on paper, makes it seem like a matrixed organization. But now I am very curious how the Governing Body and the Board of Directors interact.

    If this is all for show, then the rumors make more sense of the Governing Body calling people to task for the new HQ in Warwick moving too slowly. If indeed this were truly matrixed, the Governing Body would have nothing to do with the move to Warwick, it would be entirely up to the Directors.

  • Phizzy

    I have a gut feeling that the Board of Directors has no real power. They too are figureheads, simply seat warmers who rubber stamp what is decided by the guys who are really in control.

    Exactly who the guys who are really in control are, is difficult to establish, as they are shadowy figures with no public profile.

    They would be made up of Lawyers and Financiers in the main, and they would be non-believers in the concept that the WT is in any way God's Organization.

    Anyone who is a Captive of that Concept would not be fitted to control and direct the Organization, they would be bound to make duff decisions. It is quite conceivable that at least most of the GB and probably all of the Directors are believers in the idea that it is God's Org.

    Hence they are not allowed any real power. It is primarily a money making Scam, posing as a religion.

  • bigmac

    It is primarily a money making Scam, posing as a religion

    i really believe that--if only there were some positive proof.

  • Phizzy

    I think we here have all the proof we need. We observe how they lie, (they being the guys in control), use mind-control, etc etc which they simply would not do, or even think of, if they thought they had the "truth".

    So,knowing it is a religious fraud, why do they continue ? It must be to make money.

    But you are right Bigmac, none of what we can see as plain as day will convince a JW who is in the cult to any degree, we need more solid proof, which of course the real controllers of the WT make sure is so well hidden in their labyrinthine financial dealings that we probably will never get it.

  • Londo111

    If there were ‘shadowy figures’, would the GB and the Directors not know from where the orders are coming from? Would that not awaken them once appointed? If true, there would have to be at least some in on it. They’ve made some very duff decisions as it is and that is consistent with individuals who are CoaC, rather than a shadowy cabal who are looking to maintain revenue.

    I could be wrong. I’m sure the rabbit hole goes deep and we’ve yet to hear all the secrets this Organization has buried. Unfortunately, the lack of transparency opened the gates of speculation, but I would want to see real evidence. The Watchtower has created us “apostates” into a super-powerful Boogeyman, with intrigues and conspiracies. We could easily do the same, creating a behind-the-scenes Boogeyman who is pulling the strings.

  • bigmac

    it would be good to find out who now owns the original shares.

  • jgnat

    It's a trinity. No one can operate independently of the other.

    • Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania - Governing Body and holds copyright
    • Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. - administrative arm; properties and printing
    • Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses - congregation arm; appointment of CO's etc. - distribution of publishing

    There are other entities as well, but these are the three main ones, and are interdependent with each other.

    A three-fold cord, you could say, cannot be broken. That's why the organization itself is a chinese finger trap, because not any one of these three corporations can break away from the others.

  • jgnat

    I checked, bigmac. Corporations have to be registered and this information is public. Here's the one for Pennsylvania:

    The shareholders are not listed but an enterprising person could request a copy of the certificate from New York State. Must be in writing (snail mail or fax), and with payment of $5.

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