What major WTBTS change(s) do you predict for 2014 to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the WTBTS's 1914 prediction?
After posting to What's in it for them? (GB), I started to think what major change(s) could the WTBTS make to thin the flock and cleanse the congregations of social JWs who do not donate or go to meetings.
My premise is that the WTBTS is a business, a dangerous cult, and that its printing operations are losing money. I feel that the WTBTS will either start to require that JWs tithe at least $2/wk/publisher in G20 countries (~ $400 million/yr of income), and/or only print the simplified edition Watchtowers/Awake! propaganda.
If the WTBTS starts requiring tithing, it is only a small step from when the WTBTS asked publishers to donate to help pioneers come home for conventions. Also the Mormon Church (another dangerous cult) requires that mormons must tithe a portion of their income to be mormons. The WTBTS could spin a cover story that the money is necessary to continue the "World-Wide Work" (ensure that the GB and Bethelites can retire at Warrick, NY) to offset increased printing costs or to reduce printing as much as it currently does. Of course, the WTBTS will also increase its internet presence to make sure that JWs are properly fed, as well as be able to delete/alter any content as needed to protect its image.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,