OK...."contact us' gives the location of 25 Columbia Hts.........geeeeeezzzzus....sells cars!!!
Check this out- JW Car Lot
by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Registrant: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483 US
Administrative Contact: Systems - CDE, Information [email protected]
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
Technical Contact: Systems - CDE, Information [email protected]
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
Record last updated on 19-Dec-2011.
Record expires on 19-Dec-2013.
Record created on 19-Dec-2011.
Here is something I have never understood....... why do the CO's get to drive big luxury rigs, like Buicks (seem to be the most popular).?? Most of the time, they don't take them in Field Service, the other brothers take them in their cars (oh what a privilege!). So these big gas guzzling Buicks are just for running to and fro from the KH and the Circuit Apartment, to assemblies, etc.
Why not a Honda? Or a Toyota? Even Kia and Huyandai make some pretty decent larger sedans....I would think it would cost the brothers less in the long run, and the TOAA funds would go further?!!
I looked up the Buicks for sale in my area (Pacific NW), and saw that they were overpriced as well. Sad, really. Why is it that the average family is scrimping, saving, and using their funds to get the most out of their $$$, but WT doesnt? I know LOTS of families driving 15-20year old cars, because thats what they have! It breaks, you fix it! Old POS Toyotas, Hondas, Fords, and Chevy's are pretty common, and do just fine. How about that 10 year old Suburban or Tahoe? Works great for Field Service!
Oh, thats right, now I remember,.....its OPM..... other peoples money. The life of the Elite.........
The cars look pretty nice. I bet they are in excellent condition. Very clean. Non smoking drivers. I'd be tempted to buy one. LOL.
These cars are theocratic, which have traveled the Holy Spirit. A safe passport to enter in Watchtower's New Order.
This is the reason they are more expensive.
Advertised at the bottom of an official Watchtower letter recently posted by Atlantis
The cars used by the traveling overseers are directly owned by the branch office. When these cars are replaced, the funds from the sale are used for the worldwide work. Any who ex-press interest in purchasing a used traveling overseer vehicle may contact the branch office by telephone at (718) 560-8412 or via the Web site www.circuitvehicles.com.
2nd hand car used traveling overseer vehicle
such bullshitters..
for more background see here...
Hey WT, how about you donate these vehicles to pioneers who slave for you?
life is to short
When I was at Bethel the rumor had it that Judah Ben's father-in-law was a Buick car dealer and thats why then went with them as he got them a huge cut in price. He apparantly had has a ton of money. When Judah Ben got married her dad chartered the Circle Line cruse around Manhattan and only the GB and the big wigs were invited. None of the low caste at Bethel had a prayer of going. This was told to me by my overseer who was very bitter at it. I was blowen away at his bitterness at the time as I was new to Bethel and thought the GB walked on water. Now I know why he was bitter.