Where is this survey to be found?! Seriously!!! Are you making this up?! I just told my wife how greedy they are, I want to show her this form, if it's real. No offense, but I have to see it with my own eyes.
by JW GoneBad 83 Replies latest watchtower bible
JW GoneBad
Wasblind, my thoughts exactly I was thinking the same thing.
Luke 12:2 also came to mind: 'but there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed and secret that will not become known.'
AnnOMaly: I would assume they're just maybe not that computer savvy but I was assured that word for word just as you see it that's how it is stated.
JW GoneBad
For you doubting Thomas' out their, I wish I could say your wish is my command! My guess is that an original may be forthcoming.....like many of you ....that is my hope as well!
What I'd also like to see is a copy of the elders' resolution that they adopted at the pow-wow that was read to all congregations. I'm putting out a request for an audio of it.
How about it, are there any elder chaps on board here from the L.A. Basin area that can help us out!
I talked to a bro this week who told me about the request for more money for new KH's and assembly halls. I didn't think to ask him more. We've had this type of thing several times around here. I told him it was a scam. I asked him if he thought they needed more KH's and assembly halls. It told him to google Menlo Park.
What is often overlooked is that the current Kingdom Hall Construction Worldwide fund never really decreases.
For decades, JW's have been donating to this fund. The WT then LOANS this money for a K.Hall to be built, then that loan is repaid to the WT. The fund will only ever increase in value since the money is never really spent.
So after decades of paying into this fund, why is there not enough money in it to build the K.Halls it was created for?
Where has all the money gone?
" Please destroy this form once the reports have been complied "
Sure, after I've entered all the relevant information on another form.
Strange that they would focus on just a few counties in CA. Something's not quite right there.
As for that Sept 8 letter, this is an annual thing and really nothing to get all excited about. It's been going on for years. It's expensive, to be sure. Our cong. just agreed to pay approximately $250 per month for the next year. So nice that COs and DOs can get a new car every year or two, especially when we just KNOW they use them in field service and thus go through major wear and tear. (Yeah, that last sentence was complete sarcasm... I've never seen a C.O. use their publisher-paid-for car for field service.)
what is the shelf life of a quick build..i think they were built to last till armageddon which was supposed to be a long time back..now they have to be renovated or rebuilt cos they are falling down
That "household donation survey " is not new. About a year or two back, when we remodeled our hall, a similar from was passed out. It was not an official society form. Just something one of the local brothers typed and copied. It was small, like a time slip. Almost word for word as quoted above.
They then tallied the slips (in private) and decided on what size loan we could afford.
I bet they have some sort of symbolic, typical, anti-typical or figurative poop stains in their shorts.
Rub a Dub