New public WT online...
Yet more don't get educated drivel...
by konceptual99 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
New public WT online...
Yet more don't get educated drivel...
What a delightful story - 'I never pursued my promising career in structural engineering so I could go to prison and then tell people for 70 years of my life that Armageddon was coming soon, very very soon, for all sorts of different reasons based on the current events of the day, and how I alwyas knew I would never die (except maybe I might actually die soon), but let's not dwell on how I was mislead all these years and how I mislead others.'
They long for the day to see Eva?! I don't think Eva longs for the day to see that her best friend married her husband.
Back on topic....the article isn't clear if he graduated or not. I assume he didn't. I hope not too many are guilt-tripped by this article.
yes perhaps deliberately left vague - maybe he did but they didn't want to advertise that fact. As to not o many guilt-tripped I mentioned to my wife this morning that if she wanted to stop being treated like crap in her cleaning job, which she was complaiing about, then she should study and do something she wants to do and that she was perfectly capable of doing so and I owudl support her and given she had more than 20 years of work ahead of her it made sense. No response. She didn't say 'there is no point because the big A is near' but I could see her thinking it. So she will continue to be an economic burden on me through her working life in her minimum income job and retire with no retirement income and be dependent on me then as well. Thanks WBTS!
Yeah, the WTBS is going to end up shooting itself in its own foot over its anti eduction stance. There is clear evidence both here in Canada and in the US that not having some form of post secondary eduction in the form of a degree decreases your chances of being fully employed. Further, the WTBS is using its anti education stance as a form of control. How true is the statement of british PM Benjamin Disreli "It has been found that the best way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery."
The article stated that his professor said he was failing the class and had to put in more effort. It was then he decided to pioneer.
So was he failing out and decided he couldn't make it as an engineer so drop out and pioneer?
SM said-
How true is the statement of british PM Benjamin Disreli "It has been found that the best way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery."
Yup, and a bit like the old Jesuit boast, "Give me a young child until the age of 7, and I'll form the man". Truly sinister...
If the JW parents had a child who actually ENROLLED in college, they clearly were negligent in the eyes of the cong, by not squashing those apostate urges and thoughts in their children. And if you ASK a JW about thir education stance, they'll say "we're not anti-education! Where'd you get THAT impression?"
Just read that article, first time i've read a borg article years. Its so sad what a wasted life that could have been so fullfilling, instead he decided to dedicate his life to peddaling lies.
I am so glad my mother never bought into the no higher eduction BS and insisted we complete our education.
Omg......they set the story up with such anticipation...will he
or won't he ...............................................................
..."I was just months away from getting my degree" buuttt
I then met JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh gag
Like ..................."shit he almost made it!"