I was jjzt watchkng his.debate with.dr.james.white. he.uses.reasonings that the watchtower.has.nver.used. he reaches.the.same conclusilns.as.the.gb but.actually.contradicts them on.details. as dr.white noted he.gives.answers you wkll not.hear frlm jws.at hour.door. this is.be ause jws.as re.told the opposite.of.wbat stafford.says.on.many points. I hVe.never heRx of hkm before.yesterday but he.LlRently.has.wrotten.a.book.and a few.dissertations. does he have special permission.from the.society to have.a.full time.career debating.scholars of.theology? Where is he from? Does.anyone.know him? What.congregation does.he.go to? Was he at bethel?
who is greg stafford? under whose authority does.he.work?
by friendaroonie 28 Replies latest jw friends
He has now left the Witnesses. He studied in Chicago and now lives in California. He tried to start a group called Witnesses of Jah but it never really got off the ground. He agrees with the GB on the Trinity, the divine name, and God's selective foreknowledge. He disagrees with the GB on the 1914 chronology, blood, birthdays, "legalism", and reporting time on service, among other things. I don't think he was ever at bethel.
Is your keyboard broken? Why. do you put. periods. after. all those. words.
Greg's website http://www.elihubooks.com/content/about_us.php
Simon forgive me... I am not promoting his website, merely proving a link for information.
Slimboyfat pretty much summed it up. He was an intelligent, scholarly minded JW who unilaterally defend the JW's and over the course of time, adjusted his thinking on the indefensible.
I'm not a JW and not even a believer, but consider him a person of great moral character.
yadda yadda 2
His books are well worth ordering and reading for the more scholarly doubting or ex-JW. A lot of his stuff can now be viewed online for free. www.elihubooks.com
One of the last scholarly JW's to leave, and still retains a lot of JW/WT ideas as Slimboy says.
Though I sometimes find him wordy, and do not agree with much of what he says, I do owe him a HUGE debt. In common with others, I discovered his site , Elihu Books,before this one, and was pleased to see I was not alone in seeing that 1914 was simply not in the Bible. Greg put his main objections to the doctrine very succinctly.
It was from there that I graduated to here, thank you Greg !
Although I already had nagging feelings that something was off in Watchtower World, it was really his 2002 book "Three Dissertations" that crystallized what I hadn't been able to articulate, and it kick-started my questioning and research - particularly on the 'blood' and 'Parousia/1914/last days' issues. Greg got a lot of flak for writing that book and many of his good JW friends dropped him.
Yeah I remember Hal Flemings and Hector Schmidt arranged a mini-conference for JW apologists to come together and refute Greg Stafford's "Three Dissertations" in 2003. Hector Schmidt wrote a very long article on how Greg Stafford was wrong about birthdays, quoting from Origen and all sorts. It was his last hurrah before leaving the Witnesses himself. By the time "Three Dissertations" came out I have already read Jonsson, Penton, Franz and so on. So a lot of what Stafford wrote was like. "yeah, we knew that already, have you just noticed or something?"