Ok, this is our situation as of late: JW elderly MIL needs to move in with us or go to an expensive assisted living arrangement. Although I would rather stick a fork in my eye than live with her, assisted living would bankrupt us. I know because we've already been through it with MY mom. Sooooo we are looking on line to find a bigger house. Turns out that what we can comfortably afford is either in a crappy neighborhood OR near one of the many KHs in our area. Pretty sure I'd rather live near drug dealers than put up with Witlesses stopping by every day to pee.
Kingdom Hall vs. Crack house...?
by 3rdgen 11 Replies latest social humour
Try research here. BenefitsCheckup.org
You might be able to get the financial assistance needed through various state and federal programs. I'm assuming your in the U.S.
If I were you, see elder law attorney to tell them your situation. They can help you place her in the nursing home even you do not have enough money. One of my relatives did see elder law attorney and it did work wonders for them.
Thanks Jake and Imallcool, actually we have investigated the laws and found that the state won't kick in untill she goes through most all of her assets. She is allowed to keep her home and rent it out but is only allowed to have $2000.00. Anything over that PLUS the rent goes back to the state to offset the cost of caring for her. In other words, she has to spend hubby's inheritance and be broke before they will help. A family trust is the only protection but it's tricky. So since hubby was willing to put up with my equally difficult JW mom, its only right that I return the favor. Just venting!
Go see the elder law attorney anyway, don't try to solve the problems yourself. Just do it!!!! Trust me.
Okie- dokie, Imallcool
3rd gen, I know that's what the government tells you, but you didn't say whether you had contacted an elder law attorney. I think there are ways around it.
I think there are ways around it.
She is allowed to keep her home and rent it out but is only allowed to have $2000.00
Something doesn't sound right about that statement, yeah, you need an elder care lawyer. I've got one for a family member to whom I'm the Power of Attorney, if she'sr enting out her house then she has income, so can she afford someone to come into her home to help her, i have senior citizens on both side of me where I live, and I've noticed that recently they have help during the day, could even be 24 hour care like my relative has.
Is your mother in law a jw?