The GB Want More Gimme Gimme Feed Me More Money, What Do We Get?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    If we keep dishing out cash, to pay for all of our wonderful new light and spiritual food, have we, in return, actually only been fed garbage?


    When they tell us not to bring up anything in older publications, because it is no long considered "The Truth"( tm ), was it ever The Truth ( tm)?

    Have we been strung along for 130 years, on imitation food, masquerading, as real food?

    Are we still, yes, still getting strung along, on falsehood, and hot air, with no real food value anywhere?


    When they tell us not to bring up anything in older publications,
    because it is no long considered "The Truth"( tm ), was it ever The Truth ( tm)?..

    WBT$ Truth has an..

    Expirey Date..

    ......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • label licker
    label licker

    Yup,processed junk food is all they've ever known. It's just too bad there aren't any spiritual health inspectors to shut these guys down

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    I always felt I was paying for a pet lion.


    What Lois Lane said! Also what Isaiah 55 says!

    55) " Hey there, all YOU thirsty ones! Come to the water. And the ones that have no money! Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk even without money and without price. 2 Why do YOU people keep paying out money for what is not bread, and why is YOUR toil for what results in no satisfaction? " STOP PAYING FOR RE-HEATED, RECYCLED GARBAGE!! STOP ANY AND ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WTBTS!!!

  • ruderedhead

    Like eating twinkies & ding dongs, right?

    If we keep dishing out cash, to pay for all of our wonderful new light and spiritual food,
    have we, in return, actually only been fed garbage?

    It`s not Garbage!..

    Your being Fed a Bucket of Shit..

    With a Possibility of a Kernel of Corn in it..

    Concentrate on the Corn!!..

    .....................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Outlaw, you are a riot, thank you for the good laugh! Look for the corn in a bucket of shit, and watch the hogs as we pour the slop into their trough.

  • steve2

    Lois, Lois, Lois, my dear, you fail to understand the provision of "meat in due season." Minced lamb that is passed its "Use By" date today was perfectly edible yesterday... just don't eat it today...or tomorrow.

    Our task as recipients of this meat in due season is not to raise the kinds of intelligent and reasonable questions you have raised. No, our task is to simply ensure the meat provided to us today by the faithful and discreet slave has today's date on it. You court nothing but trouble if you go sniffing around and chomping on rotting meat. And if you sniff around the rotting corpses left over from now-dead - but heavenly rewarded - members of the GB - you will suffer food poisoning that could cost you your very life. Be a wise and cautious consumer, Lois, okay? Excellent!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    If it looks like sh*t, smells like sh*t, and it is sh*t, then WAKE UP PEOPLE and QUIT SHOVELING WT SH*T down your throat!!!


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