What do witnesses say to you that it is a sign of great tribulation coming?

by Iamallcool 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    When I was little, some older brother told me there will be a very important annoucement from Bethel. He said it might be start of the Great Tribulation. I got so worried. The annoucement was about donation arrangement. Silly!

  • ILoveTTATT

    ANYTHING to them can be a sign...

    They have been adapting the world events to signs and stuff in the Bible since 1870.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Most of them are too embarrassed to bring up their worn out 'signs' in my presence

  • Xanthippe

    The big sign now seems to be gay marriage. Was that in Matt. 24? Rhetorical question.

  • shopaholic

    1. There was a Kingdom News campaign they did about 2 years ago that supposedly had a stinging message for Christendom that was suppose to trigger the great tribulation. The end would be here within a year. They couldn't comprehend why that didn't make sense even according to their own doctrine.

    2. Many thought 9/11 was the start of Armageddon itself. They were disappointed that the tragedy didn't continue.

    3. Clinton's presidency. I remember older JWs saying "This is it. The end will come while Clinton is in office!" It was suppose to be a sure thing when he was re-elected. Supposedly there was a "great cooling off" in the States at that time, a lot of talk about "peace and security" and folks were busy being merry and taking no note.

  • hoser

    Many say the weather patterns are changing so that means the end is near

  • NVR2L8

    More earthquakes, fewer alive from the 1914 generation, number of anointed getting smaller, preaching work is almost done, sorry...I out of ideas.

  • blondie

    What did Jesus say about what his disciples might think? Notice how the WTS covered themselves in 1975 and 1976 trying to cover over their own date setting:

    (Matthew 24:44) 44 On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.

    *** w75 1/1 p. 11 Will You Live to See Christ’s “Coming”? ***

    What is God’s purpose in leaving Christians uncertain as to the precise time of the Lord Jesus Christ’s coming to execute the vengeance of Jehovah? It is to require all who claim to be Christ’s disciples to prove whether they are genuine Christians all the time. They cannot become careless and involved with worldly pursuits and practices and then, just before the last minute, put on a form of godliness. Of course, they could not deceive Jesus Christ by such a course. But God wants it plain to all people that there is a clear-cut distinction between those who really serve God and those who do not. (Mal. 3:18) They prove by their fruits what they are at heart.—Matt. 7:17-20.

    *** w76 7/15 p. 441 par. 17 A Solid Basis for Confidence ***

    The Scriptures repeatedly tell us that the end will come as a complete surprise upon the world. The apostle spoke of this, saying: “You yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day [for judgment] is coming exactly as a thief in the night.” (1 Thess. 5:2) So that true Christians would not be ‘overtaken as thieves,’ Jesus said even to his disciples back there, and to us today: “Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” Thereafter he said: “Prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.” (Matt. 24:42-44) These clear statements of Jesus indicate that God’s servants will never be given the date of Christ’s “coming” for judgment until it actually takes place. In fact, it will come at what appears to them an ‘unlikely’ time.—Luke 12:39, 40.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Interestingly enough, I've had several who saw the greatest "End Times" sign to be the turmoil WITHIN the Congregations, which I thought was an open admission of the problems there are these days everywhere.

    Have you ever heard anyone apply "the love of the greater number cooling off" to those WITHIN the Org?


  • scotoma

    They have painted themselves in a corner.

    They have said two extraordinary things have to take place.

    1. An extraordinary peace agreement.

    2. Followed quickly by the United Nations destroying religion.

    When those two things happen God's people are supposed to flee to escape danger. I would imagine the JW's would coordinate such an exodous.

    You have nothing to worry about until those two things happen. And if those two things really happened I might cast my lot with JW's. It would be the first time they ever got anything right.

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