I just found out that a co-worker of mine is a ex-JW....she's being pressured to go back to the Khall...she says everytime she goes to visit her family, they're telling her how Jehovah still loves her...blah blah blah...thankfully she has her own apartment!
I do see how her upbringing in the cult has affected her...she's soft and overly kind, but she's a real sweetheart...the down side: people take advantage of her.
Should I tell her that I too am a JW and understands what she's going through with her family or should I just tell her that "spirituality is a personal thing and don't feel guilted into doing something you don't want" ect....the thing is, she talks alot and if I tell her that I'm suppose to be a JW, then the entire workplace will know...
What should I do? My only aim is to have her not feel guilted in going back...she said her family has been trying to get her back in, but she's resisting it...the other issue, her son stays with her JW sister (she didn't disclose why)...and my co-worker tells me that her son is becoming a "JW convert".
Please I need some advice!
Kool Jo