Next weeks Watchtower Study

by XBEHERE 16 Replies latest jw friends


    From paragraph 10. “In keeping with Jesus’ pattern of feeding many through the hands of a few”

    ...once or twice is a proven pattern that's relatable 2000 years later? Are they being serious.

  • mindnumbed

    Who writes these articles? What goes through their mind?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    So, because Jesus did something twice, it's a pattern? He cleared the temple twice - was that a pattern for "elite" Christians to follow as well?

  • stillin

    Ok,sure, there was a miraculous "feeding of many through a few." But for the vast majority of those people's lives they caught their own fish and baked their own bread. That's how it's done. He who will not work, neither let him eat.

    Then there's "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

    who do they think they are?

  • stillin

    Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Give him a poison fish, you feed him for the rest of his life.

  • prologos

    and for the upper class, pharises, it was the many feeding the few through the tithe.

    still is, send your contributions!.

    perhaps next memorial they can do the right thing, (John 6) and

    provide the wine and bread for the many

    rather the few


  • nugget

    Once or twice is a pattern are you serious? Do they take away the dictionaries when they start writing for the Watchtower Society.

    The Dictionary definition is : Consistent and recurring characteristic or trait that helps in the identification of a phenomenon or problem.

    One occurance is not consistent rather it is an abberation or break from the normal pattern of behaviour.

  • Bobcat

    Notice the assertion that supports this idea in paragraph 4 (about half-way into the paragraph):

    "How would the heavenly Jesus keep his followers on earth well-fed spiritually? He would follow a similar pattern - he would feed many through the hands of a few. Who, though, would be the few? . ." (Bolding mine)

    The assertion (that "he would follow a similar pattern") is unsupported. It is simply a bald-faced statement that he would follow this pattern. From there, the magazine goes on to show the details of how a few would do this feeding. This assertion is the weak link in the whole argument.

    It should be noted that, although the 12 apostles are the focus of his disciple community in the gospel accounts, there are a number of other disciples that follow along also, but are mostly outside of the focus. For example, Luke reports that a number of women followed Jesus and lent material support to his ministry. (See Luke 8:1-3; Matthew 27:55, 56; Mark 15:40, 41) Likely, they also helped "feed the many." (Given male views of women, the women may have done the bulk of the work since food was involved.) Should they also be on the Governing Body? After all, Jesus "would follow a similar pattern."

    Incidentally, in math normally a pattern needs a minimum of three to be established.

  • snare&racket

    Didn't Jesus rub the feet of his followers and make a big deal of it..... Hey gb come rub my feet ya old gits.....

  • stillin

    All religions are set up like that. Duh

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