The Usual Jaw Dropping WT Hypocrisy

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The latest Watchtower contains a life experience from a
    brother in Nigeria. He recalls an incident from his youth.

    "Another time, the principal of the Baptist school attempted
    to abuse me sexually. I learned that he was a homosexual
    and had abused others. I pondered these things, wondering
    to myself, 'Does God approve of religions whose members
    and even whose leaders are not held accountable for gross
    sins?'" (June 1, 2002 pg. 25)

    it just kinda takes your breath away, doesn't it?

    What religious leaders? Like Greenlees and Chitty?
    Rutherford maybe?

    Does lying and false prophecy count as gross sin?

    Does God approve of religions that cover up child
    molesters like the Watchtower Society?

    How about reviling other religions that practise real
    charity? Is that a gross sin?

    I guess when corrupt old Pharisees look at themselves
    in the mirror

    somehow they don't see Pharisees...


  • Marilyn

    :::::::::::::::::'Does God approve of religions whose members
    and even whose leaders are not held accountable for gross
    sins?'" (June 1, 2002 pg. 25)

    If you are a Jehovah's Witness you must tick the yes box or you will be disfellowshipped for Imposter see!

  • Amazing

    Hey Metatron: Jesus flippin Christ, the more I think the Watchtower Society has shown the highest possible hypocrisy, they manage to exceed themselves yet again. In the curent news climate, with the Catholic Church getting its rectum reamed, one would think the Society would be keeping a low profile ... but no, they actually print this kind of self-serving rubbish ... they are worse than hyporcrits ... they are just plain evil. This is a keeper ... Thanks.

  • hawkaw

    Unbelievable!!!! Unf___ing believable.

    I urge Bill Bowen or someone (ASAP) to scan and post the front cover of this WTS and the actual article.

    While waiting, someone may wish to type out the entire article and post it.

    Dateline needs to see this as well as others in the lamestreet press.

    Thanks Met.


  • Bodhisattva

    Meanwhile the Watchtower continues the misconception, also being advanced by some in the Catholic Church, that this is about homosexuality. This is rape, and rape is about power, not sex.

  • hillary_step

    A recent study article follows the tradition of 'brazen blinkers'......

    Propaganda is defined by the New Encyclopedia Britannica as "the systematic effort to manipulate other peoples beliefs, attitudes, or actions" Such propaganda cunningly twists truth into falsehood and promotes lies as truth. WT 03/01 2002 pp14

    It was of course applied to everybody but JW's.


  • ashitaka

    {Ashi's mouth drops open}

    It's obvious to me that they just have balls the size of churchbells and that they REALLY think that they're untouchable. They're in for a rude awakening.

    I'm sending this to my dad....he'll get a kick out of this hypocrisy I think.

    Bodi also had a good post about this being twisted into a homosexual thing, instead of a sexual predator thing.


  • noidea

    The phrase ..Pay backs are Hell..! comes to mind.


  • Scully

    I almost wasn't going to mention it, but then I saw this thread.

    I spent part of the day on Saturday at my parents' home. They had just returned from their "special magazine day" in service about 5 minutes before we arrived.

    Part of what happened while they were going door-to-door, was that a householder called the police and filed a complaint against the JWs. The police arrived - 5 squad cars! - and advised them that someone had complained and asked them to leave. Apparently the town's by-law regarding the need for a permit to go door-to-door does not apply to JWs, it just has not been communicated to the police or townsfolk as yet.

    Then, my dad started hammering on the Catholics, saying stuff like "We may go door-to-door, but look at what the Catholics are doing!" So I posed a little hypothetical to him: "How does it work with the 'two eyewitnesses' rule, anyway? What if she (pointing to my 10 year old daughter/his grand-daughter) approached an elder and said 'Brother So-and-So touched me'?"

    "Well two brothers would go and talk to him and confront him about it." He was giving me the old one-eyebrow raised, irritated look, as if to say you know better than to go there.

    "What if he denies it? There are no eyewitnesses besides the child who has been victimized. What happens next?"

    <Dad stomps out of the room, conversation officially over.>

    Oh well, maybe - just maybe - the wheels are turning. We'll have to see whether or not the hamster is alive or not.

    Love, Scully

  • tdogg

    I had to read that twice to believe it was really there. Then I began laughing, at the hypocrisy not the subject matter. Then I read it again. Now I am just shaking my head. Now I am thinking about my family reading that saying, "those darned other religions, why cant they see that we are the truth, no Elder would ever do a thing like that." Now I am a little angry.

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