My new priority
by cantleave 12 Replies latest jw friends
Of course members of the God squad that believe Earth will be protected from harm by the invisible sky daddy and therefore don't believe we can destroy the Earth, need to be called out for their stupidity.
I like that cantleave. I am still a beleiver but I have a question, Why does God allow men to utilize chemical weapons and mass murder, just to prove he is all mighty? Just to say I am good and you people need me? I think the point has been made that we can and are destroying what we have. The truth is that I am on a journey and getting closer and closer to simply drop the entire idea of a God.
Here, here Cantleave!
to fight against those that destroy the earth or what is on it,
you will need all the help you can get.
Might might be the best bet.
What has worked so far is balanced might, MAAD.
lived under the bombs while young, planted 8 trees last year to improve my view,
now I like to improve my outlook,*
thank you for the help here.
*mostly LOOK BACk to the geginning and beyond.
I love the sentiment- let's fight the Power together peeps!
Cantleave the Eco Warrior ! great, I'll join you at the barricades !
Cantleave, believers or not, we all care about our planet. I give to several charities that do things like protect the environment, plant trees, save habitats, birds, animals etc and feel quite passionately about it. We've also planted several trees in our garden and are creating a mini wildlife habitat. It may not be much but it's my little bit. Although I still believe in God I'm not about to throw my hands up in the air and do nothing while I'm living on this planet.
Tornapart - Although I still believe in God I'm not about to throw my hands up in the air and do nothing while I'm living on this planet.
I was not criticising believers in general, just those that feel that humans are unable to damage the planet because some deity will prevent it. I have heard right wing xians deny climate change based on the fact that the bible promises the Earth will remian forever, that type of ignorance is dangerous.