JW's planning for retirement

by FirstLastName 22 Replies latest social family

  • gingerbread

    Never take financial advice from broke people.

    Or - from people who live off the government, social welfare or 'voluntary donations'.


  • dozy

    I think 2nd / 3rd generation JWs increasingly are seeing their parents stuggling in retirement and either consciously or subconsciously wanting to make sure that it doesn't happen to them.

    One of my (former) friends is a COBOE in his mid 40's who regularly gives talks at assemblies etc but has over the last 10 years built up a buy-to-let property portfolio that he describes as his "pension".

    There is definitely a change in the "end is imminent" mentality of most JWs now.

  • redvip2000

    They see the org planning big construction projects that will take years and I think that it's sinking in that the big A is not coming sooooooooooon, just around the corner

    This is one of those things that makes me wonder if the members of the GB are delusional and actually believe what is being taught, or otherwise are conscious that they are purposely deceiving millions of people with lies.

    Certainly there is nothing to indicate that by their actions they are truly getting ready for the end of the "system of things", but instead are moving things right along just like any other corporation.

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