Bumpy weekend ahead

by krejames 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • krejames

    So my sister is coming to stay this weekend. Although I'm sure she knows I'm not going to meetings, I don't know whether she realised I will not be going to any more meetings. Not looking forward to that time on Sunday when I tell her she's going on her own. Awkward!

    Please wish me luck ! :)

  • Glander

    Are you trying to fade? Have you been communicating with JW family implications that you are still active? (assuming you don't attend the same cong.).

    If you are not ready for the big scene right now, you could just Bogart her and go to the stupid meeting. Might be fun if you choose to consider continuing your "double life".

  • Stealth

    Tell her you have a surprise for her Sunday morning and take her out to a Sunday brunch instead.

  • Crazyguy

    I was going to go to meeting this weekend to see the people's responces to the WT but I could not stop throwing up in my mouth.

  • krejames

    Hey all

    @Glander: yes I'm well into my second fade. I have been inactive for over a year now. Was going to meetings irregularly but went to my final meeting (of my own congregation) back in May. I don't want to go on Sunday because I have been dodging the shepherding visits and phone calls etc since then - could set me back. When I visit family I do go to their meeting with them. But my mum, at least, knows my views as I have had conversations with her. She might have kept quiet about it though.

    @Stealth: Distraction techniques! I like your style. Good suggestion, though I'm not sure I can pull it off. My sis is an uber dub (has been reg poineering for all her working age life, went to pioneer school for the second time a year or two ago etc.) Besides she loves my congregation and will be looking forward to catching up with the friends she has made there. I will see how it goes it could work.

    @crazyguy: yes there is that curious, masochistic part of me that wants to go to see how the new light's going down....

  • tiki

    plan something really fun and outrageous and tell her she's on official vacation from religion for the day!

  • whathappened

    Yes, if you can, make a reservation somewhere cool that she will love and just act like you assume she is ditching the meeting.

  • SyntaxError1974

    Or you could just eat raw chicken , old fish the night before....

    She could go, you would be home bound...

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi krejames, DITTO what other posters have said about planning something that your sister's authentic persona will enjoy on Sunday and the other days of the week. Just tell her that you wanted to spend time with her having fun.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    IMHO You don't need luck. You just need to take control of the situation.

    On Sunday, do you have a fabulous place to take your sister for Brunch? An unforgetable spot that you might even have to drive an hour or 2 to get to? (I do not know where you live).

    Or do something together that will be memorable to you both? Some great tourist spot?

    I am sorry for your situation. When I was in, I always went to KHall's on vacation. I thought it was fun.

    We would go to someone's early meeting first, then go to Brunch.

    Sorry, I am no help at all.


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