I was thinking. If I died today, what advice would I want my children to know after I am gone. Ever think about that, if so, then add on...
1. Know in life that people will always tell you their side of the story, and when they do they will always be the hero and everyone else the villian. So take time to learn all sides, before you form a solid opinion.
2. If you are to extreme with anything, it will lead to failure in the end. Make a reasonable pace, and try and surround yourself with people who are the same way.
3. If the crowd is running in a certian direction, let them pass and see if that direction is worse then what is supposedly chasing them.
4. Family is a blessing and pain in the ass, but will most likely be in your life longer then any friend you know. So do your best to try and just accept them, and know when to laugh and when to stay away.
5. What you think you know now, is most likely wrong, but you will have to fail more and loss more to accept that.
6. Don't sleep with a lot of people without feeling love or at least a good emotional connection to them. As when you decide people are toys, you will see yourself as being a toy too and may outgrow yourself and others and loss your humanity.
7. Religion of all shapes and sizes has value if taken in moderation, but they are all full of crap ... but the company might be nice and values in friends is never a bad thing.
8. If you get married, do not marry a woman who thinks she has to control you and thinks that is funny. Do not marry a woman who is moody. Do not marry a woman who thinks you are her father figure. Now for daughters, do not any man-boys, and let the douch bags stay at the bars and not the alter with a ring. As all of these people will never be a lasting relationship and should be allowed to sleep with one another in to their 40's in bar hook ups and then realize one day ... they're a joke.
9. Never be afraid to ask for help, it does not hurt to set down and tell someone you're human.
10. Randomly say something nice to people daily. Tell them they're appreciated. Tell them you believe in them. Tell them they did something that inspired you. Never be worried that it will be taken wrong, just say things to make people feel good and know they will appreciate it. Just let people know you care today, while you are alive to do so.