I remember hearing about a change or backpedaling in the whole thought of a global flood. Was there "new light" or a different understanding??
Change in the "Flood"?
by Flg8ter 11 Replies latest jw friends
Not to my knowledge...
Nope. They even trotted out the phrase "water canopy" in a WT about a year ago if I remember correctly.
Not the sharpest tools in the shed, now are they?
They realize now that someone just left the water running accidently :)
I'm still stuck in this religion and the Flood concept has not changed.
Ugh.......so I'm officially going crazy!! Let me add it the list rumours for next months big meeting then. LOL
About 1 year ago I wrote them a letter showing them reasons for human life before bible chronology (cave paintings in cosquer and chauvet cave in france). The answer was that all dating methods with a pre flood age are not reliable due to the global flood.
That led me to research dating methods. I could mention a lot of scientific and biblical reasons why the flood could not have been global (just local "see scientists Pitman and Ryan with Black sea flood).
But if people want to believe in it, they say "for god nothing is impossible" and dismiss all logic reasons.
@Daniel: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-noahs-ark.html
Enough scientific and logical reasons why the flood story is highly unbelievable. Also note that one of the things about the flood can also be found in babylonical writings (including a serpent who takes away eternal life from a woman). These writings and tellings were written earlier then the Genesis account (which was probably written 400-600 BC). The writer of Genesis was therefore influenced by these eastern stories.
The Bible Literalism of the WT is just so very very silly.
But then , the whole thing is silly, well, beyond silly really. I can just see the boys in the Writing Department pissing their pants with laughter :
"Hey, look at what I just wrote ! it must be the most risible, absurd, ludicrous thing we have ever put in a magazine ! but just think, over 7Mill gullible JW's are going to swallow it like it is fillet steak !
any of you boys go one better, and the beers are on me !".
Daniel 1555 said-
But if people want to believe in it, they say "for god nothing is impossible" and dismiss all logic reasons.
That's exactly why it's pointless to argue on the sheer scientific or logical impossibility of the Flood account: since it's claimed to be a 'miracle' (an act of God), that's the "get out of jail free" card to engage in all kinds of speculation beyond the scriptural account to suggest angels airlifting pandas and koalas from China and Australia, etc.
Instead, I prefer to focus on the morality of the Flood using what the Bible ITSELF reveals about God's justice, as presented in a few articles on my blog:
Did Noah offer a possibility of salvation and repentence to anyone, or did he only preach a message of CONDEMNATION to the World?
Also, God's solution that was offered in the Flood (which everyone THINKS they know, but likely don't, or the JWs wouldn't get away with mangling the answer to support their flawed and deadly blood policy):