I usually buy books on my Kindle but for yours I chose the paperback because I think my husband will enjoy reading it. He was a born in and would have ended up in the war but his draft number was over 300. He isn't on this site but I copy posts to him that I think he will enjoy and there have been many Terry posts that he has read. I really hope your book is a huge success. By the way that is funny about the book written by an ex witness and they were passing it around to find the lies. I read that book within the past year and it was funny because it was published so many years ago a lot of the WT isms have changed. You would never hear of a congregation passing an Ex-JW book around now with their paranoia about the apostates. Best Wishes to you!
by tec 38 Replies latest jw friends
I just started the book last night on my Kindle. Terry emailed me the pdf. After looking on-line for instructions and calling a Kindle help person and taking a chance by clicking this and that I finally got it. Then I sent him the $14 on Paypal.
I can't say to much about it because I didn't get that far but I know I'm going to like it.
crmsci really had a learning curve getting the PDF onto the Kindle--but then--she had an epiphany and VOOOM!
I wish Kindle and Nook weren't so proprietary in their software--but, I know that is wishful thinking.
I put the book on my Kindle and checked out to make sure the illustrations came through the way I wanted. I'm pleased to say they did.
Where is the ebook on Amazon?
Congrats Terry. I am a newbie and don't post much but I enjoy your posts.
Where is the ebook on Amazon?
For some peculiar reason, Lulu.com has a delay built in. It can take weeks!
I don't know why. As soon as it happens I'll post the link.
Yesterday I got a photo of my book texted to me--it was sitting on a table--from a person in Utah who got their copy before me! What an amazing feeling--seeing my actual book for the first time. It is like giving birth and going to the nursery for the first viewing:) I was jealous, of course.
Somehow, none of this will seem real until I hold the thing in my own hands...
The book is NOW available on AMAZON as an e-book for KINDLE.
If you get a chance to post a review before the apostate-killers jump in, I'd appreciate it :)
Band on the Run
I agree with you concerning the tone of books. If there is one thing as bad as the Witnesses, it is someone preaching to me with an iron fist about how bad the Witnesses are. Facts and personal perceptions civilly applied reach a much broader audeince. Indeed, I notice in my personal life that those who try to control me rarely succeed. A friend who just shares their view of a matter is more likely to persuade.
On the other hand, I need a place to vent. The WT can cause rage and other deep emotions. My quarell is not with the Witnesses per se but any group trying t force their opinion on me. As I age I notice my reaction to politicians has changed. When I was much younger, I was attracted to fiery oratory that declared what I wanted to believe. My opinions were already formed. Others who disagreed were enemies. Now I see the middle way.
This is a trial strategy, too. Juries don't like lawyers who scream and act outrageous during the openings and closings. A few minutes may be appropriate. I expect there is hard science to back up a cognitive process.
I look forward to reading the book asap.
I've been thinking about the fact Jehovah's Witnesses are hypersensitive in detecting perceived criticism.
They can sniff out an opposer like a drug-sniffing dog finds hashish.
Once opposition is identified the Pavlovian defense mode snaps into place and the Kevlar body armor is applied.
There is a work-around on that--at least I hope there is.
In the direct one on one witnessing work, a JW will listen (or pretend to) and take in a certain amount of outside POV (if only to shred it later.)
This is when the seed is planted which finds fertile ground IF THEY ALREADY HAVE DOUBTS.
My book is partly designed to feed those who have secret doubts.
I was a good kid BEFORE I started going to the Kingdom Hall.
By the time the JW's got through with me I was a judgmental know-it-all with a chip on my shoulder.
By describing each incremental step by step immersion into that mindset, I'm hoping the rank and file witness will
RECOGNIZE THEMSELVES and ask---did this happen to me, too?
If you humanize the "enemy" you can identify with their pain and open up your mind to seeing the other side.