Thg were not interested in me, I was a worker for them to exploit in the factory,
the hours were lomg, the work was hard, the accomodation and living standards were basic, the food was basic and you were made to feel VERY appreciative of your food and lodging, not like you were earning it.
you weren't part of the team or organisation, you were simply a worker.
I was brought up once to the office because it had been reported that I had my heating on AND had a window open In my bedroom. One of my pals, a resl nice lad, fell asleep on duty twice following some shifts that went on until 11pm, he was sent home from bethel shamed.
the worst thing for me was printing (what i think now maybe was illegal) literature for african and it was in such low quantities, i asked why and they said they couldn't afford much so shared a magazine per cong etc in some places. This was in the uk and 5 years after supposedly making the literature free based on the verse 'come take life's waters free.'
this confused me until I also noticed that we changed paper every week, as s charity you have to purchase the chespest paper that week so different psper was used, it screwed up the press snd hence some magazines have a slight different tone of colour and feel to others in the same batch. Anyway likewise because they were now a chsrity and avoiding tax, the literature had to be free...... So that literature we made at night for France must have been illegal, noto mention unethical.
But yes, it opened my eys..... The people running the joint were not people I would want to emulate as a human being, even as a JW. There were lot's of ego's and drunk on power men. The irony being they were simply fsctory staff, not only that, but factory staff with NO WAGE. It is amazing what people will do for free if you call it s privileage,
snare x