Seems the Asleep! rag is encouraging independent thinking with the media. However, all they really want is for people to think how the news goes along with their own agenda. People should view the media as belonging to the Rockefellerian system, which is merely bent on protecting the status quo. Lying about so many things so they can create loss of freedom for us (9/11 is a prime example--there are so many videos that blatantly disprove the fact that the planes themselves brought down the towers that anyone watching the videos can see for themselves). And then going ahead and bashing anyone who even thinks the official story may be untrue as "not politically correct". In many countries, it is a major crime to even question the Holocaust--which is being used to extort other countries into giving up money and power. And it is "not politically correct" to question if new energy sources, cures for diseases, and food that is being poisoned on purpose are happening or being suppressed.
Seems that, if people would apply the same criteria to what the washtowel teaches, they might just find that it is full of lies. Yet, as society calls questioning the validity of major historical events "not politically correct" and many countries even make it a crime to debate such topics, the washtowel makes it a "crime" and a major sin to question its own validity. Were they actually inspired by anything more than men? Was the LIE-ble actually a book intended to enslave us all? Are they even adhering to their own LIE-ble as they claim? Is it really the truth when one doctrine contradicts another presented a few months earlier? Questioning whether they adhere to their own holy book, or whether that book is even beneficial, is their "questioning the Holocaust"--and the washtowel treats those who question such the same way.