My Husband Died One Year Ago Today

by Dutchie 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    After eighteen years of marriage, my husband passed away last year of a terminal liver disease. Today is the aniversary of his death. He died on April 22, 2001 and he was the love of my life. He was a wonderful man and I am so glad that I have four wonderful, beautiful children as a legacy to him.

    My husband was a German national and even after living in this country for so many years was never tempted to relinquish his German citizenship. He was also a very faithful witness and even after I became disgusted with the organization and became inactive for many years, he still went to the meetings and defended my not coming.
    I enrolled in law school and he supported me ever step of the way. He did not live to see me graduate and for that I feel so sad, cheated even.

    All of his relatives still reside in Germany, his brothers, his sisters, his parents, all still witnesses. They were all shocked to hear of his death and I think that they think it happened just because he came to live in this country. They keep saying to me that if he did not come here to live he would be alive today. Its not true, but I let it ride over me, because I know that they are talking out of grief.

    Sometimes I am so depressed I can't stand it, but luckily I have my job and the kids to keep me busy.

    You have shared so much of your lives and I have really shared so little of mine, but I wanted to share this with all of you.

    I want to extend a hearty thank you to all on this forum for your stories, your comments and your never wavering support of each other.

  • noidea


  • DakotaRed

    So sorry to hear it, Dutchie. Even a year ago, lonliness can be a terrible thing. My heart goes out to you.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey heart goes out to you today.

    Sounds like your hubby was a wonderful guy...and I'm sorry you are suffering. You have always been a positive poster on here...uplifting others...and cheerful and bright...even your signature indicates the beauty in you....always showing kindness and generous with your compliments.

    I have no comforting words to share with you...except to say that I'm glad you had happy years with your hubby. Some people go thru their whole life never knowing what you had. You are unfortunate to have lost what you had...but you are also lucky to have had it.

    Love to you back (((((((Dutchie))))))


  • Marilyn

    Dear Dutchie, I'm so sorry for your loss. My husband is the love of my life and I can't imagine what it would be like to lose him. It's hard to give up something so wonderful isn't it? I've been married for 30 yrs (the dubs made us marry young) and I can't bare the thought that one day we won't be together any more. I am sure I'm not helping, but I do identify with some of your feelings even though I've never experienced such a loss.

    Fantastic about your law degree. WEll done you!!


  • VioletAnai

    Big, warm hugs to you Dutchie....although I haven't experienced the pain of losing a mate, I can only imagine the gaping hole left....

    Will that with family and friends and those gorgeous kids of yours...they'll remind you of the beautiful things in life....

    These are for you:

  • Dutchie

    Thank you so much everyone. I was feeling so blue today and your kind words brightened up my day.

    Violet, thanks for the beautiful flowers!

  • Realist

    i am very sorry for your loss!

    you have my deepest sympathy!!!

  • Joyzabel


    what an example you are to me. Your kind words are very soothing. I'm sorry for your grief.


  • lauralisa


    I'm so sorry to hear of your immense loss, and of the lack of support for YOUR feelings by his family. Please feel warmly regarded- and my compassion is with you today.

    Take care, lauralisa

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