Another great article from the TED talks. Opening quote really tells it all: "The distinction between cult and religion lies squarely in how those leaving or those wanting to leave are treated
The distinction between cult and religion.....
by NoRegrets 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"What distinguishes religion from cults is the ability to question without being shunned and ability to reject dogmatic tenets without being shunned."
Mmmmm. Sounds like the WT$.
Over the last 500 years many religions have managed to greatly tone down that aspect (torture, murder, excommunication, shunning, ostracism).
Would it be cynical to suggest that self-preservation may be the reason? Or are humans gradually beginning to see the light?
Some, like myself, maintain that the elements of human control, human authority and human ideology are found throughout the spectrum that starts with cults (such as the Watchtower) and ends with more "benign" religious groups or clubs such as progressive Baptists, progressive Anglicans, and progressive Catholics.
The New Testament (known as the Injeel/Injil to Muslims) however does not support middlemen, hierarchies and organisations between God and man (1 Tim 2:5; John 14:6).
The gospel/bissar/injeel/injil is a map designed to lead us away from dependence on human control, authority and ideology, to dependence on God in a vibrant, transformative, empowering, healing and engaging personal relationship.
This personal relationship is available to anyone willing to accept adoption into God's faily as a "free gift" legally secured by an exhorbitant ransom price paid by our heavenly father to our evil step-father (in the greatest legal custody battle ever).
Galatians 4 in the Message Bible explains why the "ruling religious clergy class" have a serious problem with their followers discovering and following this map: "They want to shut you out of the free world of God's grace so that you will always depend on them for approval and direction, making them feel important [and relevant]".
Love your post Fernando
paranoia agent
Religion: Walk in, Walk out.
Cult: Works required to walk in and stay in, repercussions to walk out.
Although I agree that dangerous cults will shun ex-members, I also feel that a religion should respect the rights of individuals above the image of an organization. If an organization like the Catholic Church does not protect its members from priests who victimize members to protect the image of the organization, the Catholic Church may not be a cult, but it is certainly a dangerous org.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Cold Steel
If everyone can define cults as they wish, then there can be no consistent definition of the word.
Many religions in their infancy are called "cults" (ancient Christianity for example) because they take an existing religion, add to it and have a charismatic leader, or leaders, who add their interpretations or commentary, thus defining the new "output" religion or sect.
Jesus introduced NEW doctrines in Christianity, and NEW interpretations of existing scripture and prophecy. Many of the Jews, even today, complain that Jesus hijacked Judaism and added his own spin as to what the Messiah should be and do. Armageddon is a good example. According to the prophet Zechariah, the Messiah will be a Savior of his people because he will protect the Jews from their enemies. He would be a political and military leader, roles Jesus has not (as yet) fulfilled. Many Jews expected the Messiah would save them from the Romans. A great force from the North comes upon them and desecrates the Holy of Holies. The Mount of Olives splits in twain and the Jews rush in to meet their Messiah. Unfortunately for them, they didn't understand that the Messiah would also save men from their sins, and that a third temple would first have to be built before the final battle.
Even today, many Jews think Jesus and his followers were a cult. The Romans considered them a cult, especially the intellectual class.
The Jehovah's Witnesses laid their foundations before Israel became a nation. As a result, they completely screwed up the Armageddon prophecies to where Jerusalem and the Jews were "spiritualized" out of existence and replaced by a small, man-made cult created in the United States around the turn of the century (19th Century). Now when JW leadership states -- with a straight face -- that the world's nations will one day declare all-out war against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and that Jehovah will save his people and destroy those wicked, worldly nations, rational people say, "Why would the nations of the earth want to declare war on a Brooklyn publishing company that prints bad Bible translations and small, poorly written religious magazines?"
Ummm...yeah...that makes sense. But the original prophecy of a great gentile power coming out of the north to beseige the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish people make for a slightly better story. Both have been at the center of a raging political and religious controversy that has lasted for millennia. Besides, the scripture says "Jews" and "Jerusalem," and "Mount of Olives." It's the Governing Body that has changed these things to mean "Jehovah's Witnesses" and "Brooklyn" and "Paradise Earth."
So, are the Jehovah's Witnesses a cult or an eccentric modern wacko religion?
I think it can be both.
Thank you losingit.
Does this make them mentally diseased? I think so!
Religion: Walk in, Walk out.
Cult: Works required to walk in and stay in, repercussions to walk out.
JW Cult: Love bombing by these new friends to draw you into the Cult, turns to hate and shunning by these false friends if you decide to leave on your own accord.