The image of page 13 of booklet "Unseen spirits" from 1978 show a animal similar to a monkey, but it have the pointy ears. It is a demon materialization?
Demon materialization image in 1978 booklet Unseen spirits page 13 ?
by trackregister99 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Looks like a monkey to me. Unless the text says otherwise I'd assume that's what it's meant to be.
You can find some strange things in the societies old books!
Does the paragraph say it is a demon?
Do you have the pink Children's small book? There is a little girl sitting on her sex offenders lap.
The Truth Will Set You Free, a pre flood with some few taller men with Roman soldier wearing odd hats, Druids.Now why would druids be pre flood or were they 8 foot Nephiluims.
A demon probably looks like a monkey. Does monkeys have ears like that?
The most disturbing part of this image would have to be that giant wooden box. Not only is it apparently seaworthy, but it is suppose to be accommodating every single variety of life on the earth.
The monkey would surely have some prophetic and symbolic significance.
If Larsinger58 was still with us, I am sure he would explain in it quite simply in around 3000 words.
i think the monkey looks guilty of something.
Pointed ears..
Newly Enlightened
I have found disturbing subliminal images in almost every publication of Watchtower's. There is even several on Youtube This is the most disturbing:
Oh brother not another subliminal conspiracy theorist. ...... Nutter.
No its not an image of a demon, its just bad and sloppy art work. !!!!
You really think JWS artists are the best do you ?
They are though mentally brainwashed, weak minded and controlled puppets for the Watchtower Publishing house.
It is human nature to see patterns and attribute motives where none exist. My opinion is that all the supposed subliminal artwork is simply artwork that is bad, followed by equally bad (or worse) duplication in cheap publication. I knew a guy once who went to work for the Society in the art department. He said that even the best artwork really gets butchered by the time it appears in print.
Good point dropoffyourkeylee