Passing a resolution a painful experience
by stillin 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Voting in Watchtower World..
All In Favour Say Aye!..
All Against..
wow doubt what that dude has to say.
I don't have he guts to say it, but our cong can't afford a higher contribution. I just saw our accounts report for last month, $0.31 left in the account at the end of the month. I wish someone would raise thier hand and ask if we can currently afford to make this resolution.
Everybody knows it's going to pass.
So true. All in favor? All hands flapping wildly in the air. Even the two and three year olds. Any opposed? No hands.
All the abstainers are not counted. Well I guess it is unanimous then.
What the hell?
I say pass the resolution and then stop contributing.
Then the call to raise your hand
The only way to vote against their resolution is with your checkbook.
DO NOT put any $$$$ in the contribution boxes.
Sure someone else will probably pay up to meet the expenses, but at some point that won't happen and maybe they will take notice.
In most businesses, whenever a meeting is held, an agenda with details of resolutions is provided ahead of time so that people can understand the issue, the financial commitments or whatever they are expected to agree to. It gives people the opportunity to do some research and formulate questions that come up before actually going to a vote.
The WTS doesn't do things this way because (a) most JWs don't know how "normal" businesses operate in the first place, (b) they don't want anyone questioning their 'resolutions' - they just want trained seals to put forth a motion, second it and then put it to a vote. And then all the trained seals get to clap at how clever they are.
Meanwhile, at WTS HQ, this is the actual plan:
The Searcher
The crucial part is putting your hand up immediately after the CoBe (presiding overseer) reads the begging letter from London Branch and confidently declares that "the body of elders wish to put a proposal to the congregation - that we send £XXXXX out of our congregation funds to support the building costs of our new Branch complex."
He shouldn't be allowed time to say, "All those in favour". Get in first, and sit nearer the front so that he will be too embarassed to refuse to ask you what's on your mind, because everyone will see your hand raised!
Huh. I can't think of a more Seig Heil moment. You can dodge field service. You can dodge elders. You can dodge phone calls. If you're pinned in a chair, you are pinned, covered and checkmated by the economy of gazes of your concentration camp inmates. Failing to salute the Fuhrer GB is self-marking from the non-podium. It is enforced complicity.