Newbies were right. I remember many newbies believing that only the GB were the FDS. Then they were corrected and then led down the path of distortion, and ultimately, the worship of men.
Today's WT Study (Who is the FDS - Sep 2013)
by ohnightdivine 88 Replies latest watchtower bible
What the nu-light accomplished:
1) The elevation of the current 8 Governing Body members above all other humans in history, including the Apostles/Bible writers, all Jesus' disciples and John the Baptist. The fallible men of the GB have have gained "untouchable" status by officially teaching that the "evil slave" is hypothetical.
2) Demoted all other partakers to rank & file status. Essentially squelched all dissent by declaring that ONLY the GB is the FDS. Increasing partaker problem solved.
3) Perpetuated the false teaching of the R&F being excluded from the new covenant. Deceived the R&F further by giving them a promotion without a pay raise. They are now "dignified" as domestics. They have always been domestics, they just did not know it. They relish their new title, not realizing that they have been further subjugated, and swindled out of partaking.
4) Possibly sealed their fates. By claiming to be the only ones on Earth to speak for God, they have also accepted the responsibility for that action. They are the Boss of you. They Run the house not you.
Give someone enough rope......
yes they are the boss now and run the house now and are kings of the world BUT if anything goes wrong they blame everyone else, the buck most definately does not stop with them. They have set themselves up and now they want all the jw's money, the coming watchtower study articles make that plain to see, provision for the society first, then provide for jw's families with whats left. scary indeed.
David Splane quotes at the annual meeting ... Brothers, we love this teaching, we love this idea." " " it really truly does dignify the members of the great crowd." (they are to feel elevated "We are all domestics.")
But the Great crowd are still not sons...
w08 12/15 p.13 Appreciate Jesus ’Unique Role in God’s Purpose 11Read 1 Timothy2:5, 6. Jesus is the “one mediator between God and men.” He is “the mediator of a new covenant.” (Heb. 9:15; 12:24) However, Moses is also spoken of as a mediator—the mediator of the Law covenant. (Gal. 3:19) 14 ( so 1 plus 8 can still work today )
What about those who are not in the new covenant, those who hope to live forever on earth, not in heaven? While not participants in the new covenant, these are beneficiaries of it. They receive forgiveness of their sins and are declared righteous as God’s friends .(Jas. 2:23; 1 John 2:1, 2)
The Great Crowd is now seen as eating with the sons but they are just "friends of God" therefore they are eating but not drinking with the "sons of the kingdom"
Thatsfunny and they say thr great crowd are led by holy spirit and Gods "spirit-directed" they miss scriptures that say (in Romans somewhere) "ALL who are led by God's spirit, these are his sons" (i paraphrased a little sry). So if youre not led by spirit you are not a son. Someone tell me from the Bible what happens to those who dont have the holy spirit?
romans 8:9 says if you dont have the spirit you are not His......youre effed basically. So thanks GB you killed 99.9% of your followers congrats.
They pick and choose what they want. Last nights "Jeremiah" study was sooooo boring and I was praying and fighting back some tears at certain times. It was so oppressive listening to the false teachings about the new covenant. Then during the Bible highlights, one Brother clarified that JW's of the GC are NOT sons of GOD. They won't be until after the final test. Every one was like, " Derrr....Uhhhh,,I guess we knew that??? errrr.." It was really sad. It's like Ray Franz said, a morrass of inconsistencies. That's what happens when legalistic, corporate, and pharasaic thinking takes over.
I wonder if that Brother knows TTATT. He used to be very prominent at DCs and CAs, and has been DF'd and re-instated.
Yea recently ive learned to sleep with my eyes open....until a trigger comes up thats totally ridiculous and i smirk or laugh and my wife is like "whats so funny". Lol
They have rid themselves of the problematic idea of a "Faithful & Discreet Slave" exhisting throughout the centuries. Barbara Anderson was tasked with identifying the prior to CT Russell and couldn't so it was left kind of nebulous.
They have further divorced themselves from Russell. As the Bible Students will point out, the JW's and the organization are more of Rutherford's baby. This change corrects this. Interestingly enough, it even makes Rutherford the first FDS! -
Yesterday I felt a weight so great and crushing on my chest and a twisting in my gut, and I know it is the result of being stuck in this damaging cult and seeing my daughter raised in it, and having NO evident solutions other than this painfully slow and almost fruitless process of attempting to wake up my wife. I was at work and I felt an overwhelming NEED to drink alcohol just to settle down. I really don't ever want to NEEd q substance just to survive mentally, so I decided to pray, something I haven't been doing much of. I directed my prayer to Christ, and asked him to remove the great crushing weight I felt from my gut, heart and mind. I told him that I needed him just to make it without having what would have been my first true breakdown. Well it worked. I felt so much better, and didn't sneak my usual 2 shots I take when I get home. I did feel the weight removed. I now know prayer has power, and I was able to endure the Thursday night meeting, while not smiling, I didnt have the churning in the pit of my gut. I also bought my wife some flowers to show her I still love her. It can be all too easy to grow cold and miserable towards a spouse who you see exhibiting cult Behavior and speech. The void feels too great some days, but others it feels manageable. I prayed for the help to say the right things and ask the right questions to help my wife think, and wake her up. I hate my life, not life itself, which is beautiful, but the miserable drudgery it has become. While my mind is free, all around me, minds are in darkness, and my body is prisoner, and that will drive any sane man insane. I sometimes think about just walking away, but I can't afford to and for my kids sake, it is worth it in the long run to try a while longer, living my life as an actor upon a stage playing a role. Thanks for reading my rant, and to Data Dog, suavojr and all the others stuck in due to sleeping spouses, you are not alone. Many are suffering with you. Also try praying to Jesus. It may help you, and it certainly can't hurt. Love you all -bu2b