by Caupon 46 Replies latest jw friends
Hi and welcome.
Please try again.
Use a different browser, like chrome. I know firefox and explorer mess up with me a lot.
Use sign language!!!
The Watchtower Society, on the other hand, has an unsurpassed ability to "tack".
Are you learning to sail?
remember, you must zig zag.
Howdy, sorry about that folks, it was a Mozilla Firefox issue.. Ugh. But on the flip side... Hello. I'm new here as you can see and I just cannot understand any of this nonsense. Being a teenager and really believing in the 'Truth', I felt I needed to read the publications and comment frequently and, of course, go out in the ministry every single week. But recently I have thought about everything myself and realized how the organization is just plain wrong on a number of things. I describe myself as a nice guy who does not lie and tries my best to respect everyone so when I was on the verge of getting baptized, I spoke up for myself and told the elder who studied with me that I no longer wanted to get baptized. He was okay with that but when I told my mother, she just flipped! She stopped caring about me basically and became so angry towards me. My mother basically doesn't want anything to do with me anymore but turns creeply nice when around the brothers and sisters, then at home, she is like a terrified devil who treats me like an apostate just because I don't want to be baptized! I love my mother and respect her beliefs but this is ruining my life! Any help?
Hi Caupon, welcome.
Well done on having the courage to stop the baptism and listen to your doubts. You escaped by the "skin of your teeth".
Your mother is anxious because she wants her son to share her beliefs. Her behaviour sounds like she wants to control you, rather than listen to your concerns.
Reassure her that you love her and respect her but you must be allowed to decide about your own beliefs.
I don't know what age you are but start planning for the rest of your life. There is no armagedon, no paradise, no living forever, no pet pandas.
You are going to need to plan a career, get the relevant education and training, make friends and have a lot of fun.
Your mum won't be happy about it but at least they can't DF you so she won't have to shun you.
You are one of the lucky ones.
Welcome to JWN.
I can't really add much to Cofty's advice. But I will restress that need to educate yourself, focus on what your ambitions are and work towards them.
Exiting the cult at such a young age means you really do have your life ahead of you - make the most of it!
You sound like a bright, responsible young man. Too bad your mother doesn't get the "Personal Dedication" aspect of getting baptized. Adults read carefully before signing a contract on a lousy 30 year mortgage. Getting baptised as a member of a large JW family, under pressure is stupid.
Getting Baptized is more serious than getting a tattoo that will be with you forever.
Hang tough.